How about a little truth to help you navigate this stressful, frustrating and potentially rewarding journey we call life?
You will find that many people who orbit your life are just “wired” to avoid the truth and will channel their energies into repeating the same destructive behaviors over and over again as they justify the lies and bad habits they impose upon themselves and burden others with.
This does not automatically mean they are bad people.
But don’t kid yourself – some of them are and will think nothing of taking advantage of you and dragging you down with them.
Read on for my next dose of five truths I have found to be pretty useful in my own journey down the road of life.
Catch up on all truths to this series here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
The Next Five Truths To Ponder
61. When somebody’s response is constantly “I Can’t,” then don’t waste your time with them.
Leave them be.
These types of people cannot be helped until they do an overhaul on their behavior and decide to improve and take action.
You are under no obligation to frustrate yourself and gift your precious attention upon these time wasters.
62. Never, ever reward bad behavior in life, business or relationship dynamics
63. Most people’s understanding of nutrition is clouded by failed government policy and the addiction of garbage foods peddled by the industrial food complex.
Commonly consumed “poisons” like refined carbohydrates, sugar and trans fats are so detrimental to your health and life quality, yet so profitable to the organizations that push them.
Wake up, get angry and take control of your life quality!
64. Don’t bring your feelings to a fact fight
Unless you enjoy losing and being branded an emotionally disturbed buffoon
65. You are not entitled to anything in this life
Your daily habits will dictate what you “deserve” in this life
So work on cleaning up your habits if you desire a quality life
Have I been perfect with following all these truths I share?
Hell no! I falter from time to time just like everybody else on planet Earth.
But I work my ass off to live up to these truths and take decisive action to humbly admit and correct my mistakes whenever I fail and get sidetracked from the path of truth.
And remember – The absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself!
Related: Four Timeless Habits To Conquer Life
Related: Crushing Calories With Kettlebells
Related: The Anywhere Workout
I share, write about, demonstrate and actively practice methods and philosophies that allow me to maintain a high quality of life.
My idea of a quality life is to stay strong, happy, healthy, financially secure, lean, move well and pain-free, keep fat off, remain powerfully confident and live life without boring the hell out of me or wasting my precious time.
I stay grounded by treating people, situations and world events for what they are – not how I want them to be.
I don’t pretend to be everything to everybody and I am fine not being everybody’s cup of tea on this wonderful planet.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs.