The truth will kick you when you are down and punch you in the gut when you are up.
The truth doesn’t care about your sensitivities, unpreparedness or overly childish views of the world.
The truth plays no favorites and will test you constantly.
The truth just “is” and makes no apologies or excuses for how it imposes itself upon the world and your life.
The truth doesn’t care about your gender, race, political leanings, cultural upbringing, education, financial situation, physical condition or degree of mental fitness or who you know.
Those that embrace this concept and deal with it like mature adults will succeed and live powerfully, purposefully and productively.
Those who fight it and cry about the unfairness of truth will most likely flounder and fail and lead an unremarkable life at best.
Five More Truths To Digest
46. Stop buying stuff you can’t afford with money you don’t have to impress people you don’t even really like.
This behavior is not a signal of wealth or status.
It’s a signal of stupidity and irresponsibility.
47. You have to fight in this world, but most people are fighting all the wrong fights.
48. People tend to live more happy, productive and fulfilled lives when they face adversity and embrace and overcome challenge.
Successful and grounded people just seem wired to follow this life path.
49. Just because someone is your “Ally” doesn’t mean that they are your friend.
Know the difference.
50. If you’re fat, unhealthy, immobile, unsuccessful, miserable, a burden on others and want to change – Bravo!
But if you’re not ready to drop your excuses and put in the work – I can’t help you.
In fact, no one can!
You can catch up on previous truth posts here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
I’ve reached fifty truths already.
Have they helped give you perspective or have they sent you into an emotional tizzy cursing my existence?
It matters not as I invite you to ponder over my next five truths at a time when I assemble another batch.
And remember, the absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself!
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I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
My goals are to age in a powerfully capable manner, maintain a pleasing body composition , move in full ranges of pain free bliss, maintain a high level of financial independence and never let my health lapse.
If you treat me good, I will treat you better.
If you treat me bad, I will treat you worse or just ignore and dismiss you
I believe it’s my civic duty to my family, friends, co-workers, employees, my community and America at large to be the best version of myself I can be.
The truth can be tough – You just need to be a little tougher!