Ready to absorb five more truths at a time or perhaps shake your fists to the heavens in total opposition to what I believe to be true?
Love them or hate them, I make no apologies for the truths I throw out to you, stand by and believe.
Each post of my truths is a stand alone article, so you can read them in any order your truth seeking hearts desire.
You can catch up on previous truth posts here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
Your Next Five Truth Fixes
Truth #21. Always be eager to repay favors and share your success. I guarantee your quality of life will rise!
Truth #22. There is a big difference between True Justice and “social justice.”
Social justice is mostly emotionally driven and charged up nonsense irresponsibly pushed by unaccomplished agitators
Truth #23. Forging an iron body can definitely take you far in life.
But cultivating an iron character will make you invincible and truly valued.
Achieve both and the world will be your oyster to pluck pearls from!
Truth #24. If they call an orange an orange, then why don’t they call a banana a yellow?
Truth #25. There’s a lot of people going broke trying to get rich quick.
There’s also a lot of folks breaking their bodies and achieving nothing trying to haphazardly “get fit” quick too.
Don’t be like these people. Be practical, patient and deliberate in your efforts.
Tune in for the next batch of timely truths and remember the worst person you can lie to is yourself!
Related Truths: Unhappy People Refuse To Build Their Mental Armor
Related Truths: Can You Ace This Basic Fitness Assessment?
Related Truths: Why Chasing Variety Is A Loser’s Game
In exploring my site, you will be exposed to my fitness training and health philosophies I practice that I have either adopted or tweaked from some of the fitness greats in history or designed myself.
I will also throw out to you my opinions on success covering important life metrics that will advance one’s quality of life
Whether you embrace or reject my methods, I am not everybody’s cup of tea and I don’t pretend to be everything to everybody as that is a loser’s game.
I am an unapologetic product of my own advice and live a powerfully active and highly capable life physically, mentally and financially through the methods I share and practice