Do you want to change your lot in life? Then get angry!
This isn’t advocating violence or self harm, but rather a state of mind that will get you out of your rut and produce change.
Get angry at yourself if you want to move forward in life or are unhappy with your life situation.
Why Get Angry at Yourself?
Because successful people don’t waste the time and energy getting angry at others as you can’t change them
Winners, leaders and those who have achieved a high quality of life know that getting angry and blaming others is a loser’s game where you will roll snake eyes every time.
Instead, get angry at yourself – that’s the only person you can change!
So Get Angry
Angry at allowing yourself to be a victim
Angry at your bad habits
Angry at your lack of motivation
Angry at your lack of results
Angry at your poor health
Angry at all the time you waste with nonsense
Angry at your lack of balance
Angry at your lack of energy
Angry at your lack of courage
Angry at your wasted potential
Angry at your poor decisions
Angry at your low information
Angry at not taking charge of your life
Angry at anything you have self imposed on yourself to block success!
Your biggest obstacle to a powerful and purposeful life stares at you in the mirror every single unfocused day of your existence.
Productive anger channeled at yourself will give you purpose, control and trigger the changes needed to progress to your ideal life.
There are so many people who lead frustrated lives because they waste their time shaking their fist to the sky, telling themselves life is rigged against them.
They get angry and blame others for their situation – conveniently giving themselves the perpetual excuse to be bitter, unremarkable and a weak, powerless victim to the whims of life.
They give up and misdirect that internal angry fire needed to take action to improve their life and instead train their energy and anger outward resulting in more stress, frustration and marching further from their personal goal lines.
Change only happens when we are so truly dissatisfied (angry) with our existing situation in life that it forces us to take positive action to improve it.
What Do You Want To Achieve?
Want to drop fat?
Want a better career?
Want to stop being a doormat?
Want better job skills?
Want to get out of debt?
Want better health?
Want to be a better parent?
Want better friends?
Want to be less fearful?
Want a good spouse?
Want good relationships?
Want to be more self reliant?
Want a good retirement?
Want to improve your finances?
Want respect from those you value?
Then get angry at yourself and get off your ass and start making changes – Nobody will do it for you!
Nothing will happen until you channel that anger into giving you permission to improve and take action.
Don’t give away and project that anger onto others where it does nothing for you except make enemies and deprives you of a great life.
Use it to stay hungry, focused and reserved for your own success and productive well being.
Nothing positive will happen in your life without taking informed and measured action.
Pursue your worthy goals with the tenacious attitude of a hellbent honey badger and great things will happen for you.
Most people won’t change their lot in life – so don’t be like most people
Get after it and seize the best quality of life you can. Nobody will hand you a quality life.
Channel your anger productively and responsibly into the most valuable and worthwhile project on planet earth – You!!
Related: Four Habits You Need To Succeed
Related: Work On Your Mental Armor
Related: Six Factors For A Quality Life
I’m Mark Mellohusky (Mellow-Husky)
My personal mission is to minimize my regrets in this life before I leave this wonderful planet
I focus on the long term win and not the short term frustrations and set backs we all face
I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
Explore my site. Use what you see value in to succeed and apply it to your life. Ignore what doesn’t work for you. I’m not charging you for anything – yet.
I don’t pretend to be everything to everybody and I am fine not being everybody’s cup of tea.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness