Supercharge your fitness results and maximize your precious training time with this challenging plank variation using a kettlebell.
Plank exercise variations are a staple in my lifelong fitness program and will always have a seat at my honored fitness table and in my training playbook.
If you were wondering where your stabilizer muscles are throughout your body, don’t worry – I guarantee you will feel every last one when you do kettlebell planks!
Check out this kettlebell plank demo I did at the beach:
Doing kettlebell planks in the sand really adds a new dimension to this move. In order to maintain balanced form in this shifting environment, your body must make adjustments and compensations that really intensify this already awesome exercise.
Tips And Technique
Use a big enough kettlebell where your hands can achieve a side by side grip on top of the kettlebell handle while having a large enough base to support you. I don’t do kettlebell planks with anything less than a 16 kilogram kettlebell as that is the minimum handle length to base ratio for me.
Keep your elbows straight and your shoulders “packed.” Imagine you are trying to hold a wet sponge in each armpit throughout the plank – this will dial you in to what that “packed” feeling is.
Your back is straight and your gaze is down.
Act like you are trying to break that kettlebell handle in half for a more intense effect.
Keep your abs braced, butt tight and don’t forget to breathe – you never want to hold your breath! In through the nose – out through the mouth.
Only hold your plank as long as your form is good. Once your form and technique begin to crap out – stop, rest and try again. Pushing through bad form invites negative results, pain and injury. So listen to your body and train in a smart and sustainable manner!
There are many benefits to training barefoot, so ditch the shoes if you can.
READ: Seven Benefits Of Barefoot Training to free up your tootsies and get awesome fitness results!
Doing kettlebell planks in a live environment like sand will really up the intensity when you are ready for a challenge upgrade.
You ultimately want to work your way up to holding your plank for two minutes. I have had some great coaches tell me that once you can hold a plank for two minutes, there really isn’t any real benefit to go beyond that in your training. I tend to agree.
The Benefits Of Planks
Plank exercises are great for powering up your core musculature
Developing a strong core will injury proof you to the physicality of everyday life and make you productively capable in your daily activities
So if you want your arms and legs to be able to move well with power and mobility, then a strong, engaged core is needed for an active and confidently capable existence on this planet.
Planks will help get your butt tight and shapely as well as give those hamstrings a workout
I believe planks promote mental toughness and discipline. You really have to focus in order to maintain good planking form and technique. It’s not just a physical exertion to keep your plank technique solid, but it requires a powerful mental effort as well.
Planks and their variations will really stoke up your metabolism which promotes max burning of calories driving nasty excess fat from your beautiful bod!
I choose to perform these types of exercises as they allow me to stay strong and lean, move well and pain-free, keep fat off and live a high quality healthy life without boring the hell out of me or wasting my precious time.
Give kettlebell planks a try – They will really fire up your fitness motivation and accelerate you to your worthy fitness goals!
Stay Well! Take Action! Be Consistent! Train and Eat Smart! Get Rid of the Drains and Pains in Your Life! Value your loved ones and friends and get out and have some active, safe fun!
If you dig what I share with you, I invite you to explore my site where I show you how to do maximum exercise in minimum time to achieve outstanding results!
I’m Mark Mellohusky- an often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat. All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy low value media endorsed exercises.
I eat T-bone steaks and train with kettlebell weights.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven stars fitness
Love your methods mark both on Instagram and seven stars.
Thanks Anthony- much appreciated!!