Simply carrying weight around in thoughtfully intense ways will pay you some mighty fine fitness dividends.
In this article I’m specifically discussing the merits of using kettlebells.
The kettlebell is an incredibly versatile training tool that is perfectly suited to this type of training as the grip points, structure and off set weight of these implements allow you to create many challenging carry variations while maintaining a very productive training flow.
I will carry other objects in my training such as sandbags, logs and rocks, but the kettlebell is my most used carry tool as it is very versatile and relatively easy to transport anywhere if your gym doesn’t have them.
Why Carry Weight Around?
Contributes to building/maintaining a solid foundation of strength
Excellent for endurance and physical conditioning
Total body workout that hits every single muscle head to toe
Brief, intense and ideal for those who want max fitness without a big time investment
Chews up a ton of calories
Easy on the joints, while exposing the entire body to max time under tension
These are real core crushers
Hits your cardio in a deceptively powerful manner
Check out this challenging kettlebell carry workout demo with two of the fittest and fun ladies I always enjoy training with:
The Kettlebell Carry Workout:
The Kettlebell Carries performed:
Double Kettlebell Rack Carry
Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk
Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry
This workout is structured in what I call a kettlebell “iron line” style setup.
Place three pairs of different sized kettlebells in front of you in a line (this is the iron line.) Experiment with the weights to see what you can safely handle with good form.
Perform all of the kettlebell carry exercises in the order listed above one right after the other – this is a round.
Tips and Guidelines
For starters kick off the shoes and go barefoot or wear minimalist footwear to perform this kettlebell workout.
I suggest using your heaviest weight for the farmer’s walk, a medium weight for the racked carry and a lighter weight for the overhead carries.
You can use a single pair of kettlebells to do this workout if you don’t have access to multiple sized kettlebells, just make sure it’s a challenging weight.
Scale the load up or down depending on your fitness level and experience and please do not go to muscular failure on any of these movements as you are looking to challenge your body using good form and common sense – Not tear it down and invite injury via poor technique due to excessive fatigue and overtraining!
Don’t get lazy when you are hoisting the kettlebells up and returning them to mother earth- use good form and don’t round your back.
Keep your abs braced and walk with a tall posture in short, quick steps
Breathe in short, rhythmic breaths (in through nose out through mouth)as your breathing pattern will be challenged
Don’t let your body lean forward/back or side to side as you walk
Perform these kettlebell carries using a fixed distance (say 25-50 steps depending on load) or time your walks. Choosing a fixed distance is ideal for most trainees.
In general, the heavier the load walk shorter distances and for lighter loads walk longer distances. Experiment with these variables, but remember to cut a movement short before fatigue compromises your form.
Try setting a clock for 10 minutes and see how many quality rounds you can complete.
Rest as much as you need between rounds, but you do want to keep it challenging so don’t lollygag. Try starting with a 2 minute rest between rounds and scale it down as you get better, but listen to your body and don’t overdo it!
Kettlebell Carries Deserve Your Training Attention
Kettlebell carries are great individual exercises performed by themselves and will reward you by drastically improving your overall fitness.
However, perform these same kettlebell exercises in a sequence one right after the other like with “iron line” style training and you will skyrocket your total fitness to new levels guaranteed.
Kettlebell carry workouts will also burn a lot of calories and prime your body to be a walking calorie furnace since your metabolism will be primed, pumped and elevated hours after you finish training.
These types of workouts are ideal for those wanting to get lean and tight while building a solid foundation of strength, cardio, endurance, physical toughness and real world durability.
Give this kettlebell carry workout a spot in your valuable training schedule and say goodbye to that nasty fat and hello to a new lean and powerful you!
Stay Well! Take Action! Be Consistent! Train and Eat Smart! Get Rid of the Drains and Pains in Your Life! Value your loved ones and friends and get out and have some active, safe fun!
Related: Kettlebell Swing Workout That Won’t Bore You
Related: Powerful Kettlebell Carry Variations
Related: Is Kettlebell Training For You?
I’m Mark Mellohusky (Mellow-Husky)
I tenaciously hunt down powerfully productive fitness methods and life quality lessons that improve anybody daring to take action and make a positive change.
I enjoy sharing my fitness training and health philosophies I practice that I have either adopted or tweaked from some of the fitness greats in history or designed myself.
I pride myself on being a product of my own advice.
The methods I practice enable me to be a powerfully active (often barefoot) eternal student of physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy media endorsed low value exercises and gulping down expensive and questionable supplements.
While I share A lot of tips, techniques, and fitness philosophy on my site, it is unrealistic to try to adopt it all into your fitness plan as we all have different health and fitness gaps in our programs we need to address.
So take what you need to succeed even if it’s just one concept and fill those fitness gaps, dare to get out of your comfort zone and experience the thrill of doing what works and realizing your goals!
Treat me good, I will treat you better.
Treat me bad, I will treat you worse.
I Eat Tuna Steaks and Carry Kettlebell Weights!
Seven Stars Fitness