There is a direct correlation with the amount of nonsense you put up with or generate and your ability to be happy and live a quality life.
While being physically fit is very rewarding, don’t forget about your happiness and mental well being to tie it all together for a robust quality of life!
Nonsense is not some universal force of nature that just attacks our lives and well-being arbitrarily. People are the sole source of creating nonsense and people are also foolish enough to put up with it!
Most unhappy, miserable, needy, entitled and unaccomplished people I encounter either engage in nonsense, are the source of it themselves or both.
Let me define what I mean by “nonsense” based on my own experiences living on planet earth. This is not a scientific study, but just one man’s experience interacting with many types of folks. Maybe some of the following examples I cite ring true with you and are contributing to your own unhappiness.
My Top Nonsense Culprits Guaranteed To Make You Unhappy
Miserable people and chronic downers
Eternal victims to everything in life
Takers – you name it, they take it! Giving is just not in their nature
Those who practice little or no reciprocity – You have to constantly initiate anything in the interactions or relationship
Time Wasters – Their soul draining drama and nonsense erodes away your precious time left to pursue your own happiness.
People with no integrity – their intentions and words are meaningless.
People devoid of a conscience or moral center – good luck maintaining your happiness around them!
Those who are so much busier than you and are so important. You don’t have to ask how busy or important they are, they will tell you every chance they get!
Those with no zest for anything in life. These are veritable human slugs who merely exist and really don’t live life and have no joy
People with no redeeming interests or hobbies except to haunt you and sabotage your own activities
Folks who take no responsibility in life. They refuse to own up to any of their bad choices, actions or counterproductive habits. Why would they? They have people like you to cover for them and bail them out!
Those who are tied to the tree of woe. They are master organizers of their own endless pity parties
Folks with no originality whatsoever – they get caught up in the herd drifting with no thoughtful direction in life dragging you into their mediocrity.
Monday morning quarterbacks – They always know better or what to do after the fact.
Those who are masters at tearing down everything others do, yet cannot build or create anything themselves. They have no body of work or accomplishments to speak of, so they try to tear yours down.
Over thinkers who can’t make simple decisions let alone important ones.
Micro managers who sour and sabotage the simplest and most pleasurable plans and events
Over coaching types who won’t give you a second to figure out something for yourself. Think of the stereotypical evil gym teacher attitude for universal reference!
All talk and no action types
Dreamers who never do anything
Obstructionists who always approach situations with a “no we can’t” attitude instead of a “Yes we can” way of thinking. These are the ministers of “No” in your life.
This is just off the top of my head based on my own journey in life – I’m sure you can identify more examples of nonsense in your life! It’s all nonsense, folks! Get it out of your life now!
READ: Practice Building Your Mental Armor to defend against crazy nonsense in your life!
The Power Of Nonsense
I don’t totally buy into the overplayed theory that it’s all up to us to consciously not let nonsensical, miserable and toxic people affect us. A toxic person who peddles nonsense is like an intruder who has just broken in your house and are forced to confront them. They are now in front of you and you must deal with it – it’s not something you can wish away or say a sweet mantra to yourself to cope with the situation like all the self help gurus advocate! If it were that easy, why are there so many unhappy people in the world?
It’s not like flicking a switch on and off in our brains. If you are confronted with miserable, nonsensical people regularly it will stress you out and wear you down. Period. Even Ghandi and Mother Theresa had their limits! I don’t care how positive an attitude you have, don’t underestimate the destructive power of nonsense and negativity.
The power of nonsense and negativity is so great that it only takes one individual with these toxic qualities to bring down entire organizations where the majority of people are positive and productive. Think of sports teams, major businesses, your workplace, your circle of friends and family units that all suffer stress, defeat and unrealized potential and happiness just because of one individual who is a bad egg that infected positive situations with debilitating nonsense.
Where is it written that it is our responsibility to entertain nonsense at the expense of our own precious quality of life? Nowhere I can find. And if someone foolishly suggested I had to subject myself to people’s nonsensical behavior (and some fools have), I would dismiss them in a heartbeat!
Nor is it written that I am put on this planet to try to change nonsensical people. Believe me, it’s a royal waste of time and will only compound the nonsense. Let them figure it out for themselves – you have your own positive life to build, maintain and live!
Miserable, nonsense riddled people are very powerful forces that you can only devote so much of your precious mental energy and time to or your happiness will suffer – guaranteed!
Find The Courage To Be Happy
Happiness sapping and soul draining nonsense can come from any source where humans interact – friends, family, the work place, school or any institution, assemblage or commerce center folks congregate.
The bad news is that these types are everywhere and intertwined to varying degrees in most folks lives. The good news is it’s 100 % within your power to decide when you have had enough of the nonsense and distance yourself from it in order to pursue your own happiness.
Want to be really happy with your remaining time on planet earth? Then I urge you to identify and purge the sources of nonsense in your life.
Let me leave you with these points about nonsense:
Recognize where the nonsense is coming from.
Never, ever apologize for distancing yourself from your own sources of nonsense when trying to pursue and ultimately achieve your own happiness.
Oh and take a hard stare within yourself and see if you may be generating this nonsense yourself and stop it!
Find the courage to kick that nonsense to the curb. It’s tough, but stop being a silent doormat and sponge that absorbs others nonsense!
Now devote all that freed up positive and healthy energy to building your own happy life!
Stay Well! Take Action! Be Consistent! Train and Eat Smart! Get Rid of the Drains and Pains in Your Life! Value your loved ones and friends and get out and have some active, safe fun!
Mark Mellohusky (Mellow Husky) mellow as in laid back and husky like the dog
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness
Mark, having this conversation with you in person today was amazing and so comforting to know that there is someone out there who thinks like me. You have a way of making people feel valued and appreciated. Love sharing views and collaborating with you! Thanks for being you!! Suzanne
Thanks Sue – I always enjoy your views and your determined spirit!