First off, what exactly are Kettlebells?
The Kettlebell is a cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a carrying handle on top. A lot of people are under the impression that the use of kettlebells are some gimmicky fad that burst on the fitness scene within the last decade or so.
In reality, kettlebells are not just some Johnny Come Lately’s that just arrived in the fitness and health universe. They have been around for some time forging incredible bodies for hundreds of years – since the early 1700’s where they were used in Russia as an incredibly efficient way to build muscle, stay lean and enhance muscular endurance. Training with kettlebells lend themselves to performing full body ballistic and dynamic movements that result in rapid improvements in strength, endurance, conditioning, and body composition.
The benefits of Kettlebell Training are backed by valid science & extensive studies conducted in the exercise industry along with many hours of practical application experience. Check out the studies and findings by Dr. Stuart Mcgill and the American Council on Exercises on the subject.
While referencing all this science and studies lends credence to the effectiveness of using kettlebells, I only need to trust my own experiences with these amazing implements and the great results I have gotten myself and for those who have practiced with them under my guidance.
But before you dive into a fitness program find out what you need to do to Position Yourself For Success to maximize your time commitment and efforts in order to experience meaningful and lasting results in your quest to get fit and healthy.
So What are the main reasons I use kettlebells as one of the cornerstones to my fitness program and why do I utilize them for client fitness and unique specialty group kettlebell based fitness classes?
Here’s Why:
Kettlebells Will Chase Fat Off Your Body Like No Other Fitness Tool
Goodbye nasty fat – Hello lean, tight body! That is what should be engraved into each kettlebell as they come off the assembly line as they are that good at scaring fat off your frame when you begin using them .
A supreme benefit to Training with kettlebells is that they elevate the heart rate and work many major muscle groups at the same time. And when you activate more muscle groups, more calories are burned.
It is not uncommon to burn 20 to 30 calories a minute while training with kettlebells. Plus you will build lean muscle and turn your body into a calorie burning, fat eradicating machine while at rest experiencing this incredible metabolic effect many hours after the workout!
If you are going to put forth the time and energy to work out, why not choose a program where you can get great back- end benefits like this for your up- front efforts? That’s what is known as getting a lot of fitness bang for your buck.
Training with kettlebells are one of the absolute best and sustainable ways to experience this post exercise calorie burning effect for hours after you put the kettlebell down.
If you were to read no further, just that reason alone would be enough to position most people for success in their quest for their ideal body composition.
In order to maintain accountability and control in your fat loss efforts, consider keeping a Food Activity Journal to keep your eating and exercising on track to maximize your training efforts leading to fantastic results.
But please read on – there are many more outstanding reasons to invite the kettlebell into your fitness world!
You Will Get A True Total Body Workout Using Kettlebells
Want to get a real total body workout that will do wonders for your body composition and fast track you to an active and rich quality of life? Look no further than your friendly neighborhood kettlebell when used properly in a sound fitness program.
While a lot of people love to tell you they are all about doing total body workouts, surprisingly few actually demonstrate the concept in their training; preferring to engage themselves or clients in unproductive exercises and ridiculous shady circus stunt type exercises they see on youtube.
Unfortunately, that hack trainer over at the 24 hour super duper mega techno gym considers throwing you on a treadmill like some mindless hamster followed by doing some curls and crunches a total body workout. If your workout resembles this, then you may be in need of an upgrade in your fitness program as well as a legitimate trainer. Spare yourself the disappointment and frustration of participating in thoughtless and ineffective workouts like this if you really want to improve your fitness.
Many of my reasons I state in this article for why I use a kettlebell in my training also cover what a total body workout should consist of.
Do you absolutely need to train with a kettlebell to get a total body workout? Of course not, but It is one of the absolute best and most versatile fitness tools that is hard to beat if you value the superior results from a safe, sustainable and legitimate total body fitness program.
Kettlebell Training Makes Efficient Use Of Your Precious Time
Hopefully, you realize that our stay on this planet is finite and that we don’t have a lot of time to waste doing unproductive things. Unless you have unlimited free time and enjoy hanging out in gyms and killing time, then by all means disregard what I am saying and set up a cot at your local workout joint and yuk it up with all the juice giants who seem to live there.
I train with kettlebells because they allow me to design safe, brief, sustainable workouts to experience Maximum Fitness in Minimal Time leading to Stellar Results. It’s no coincidence that this is my fitness philosophy that I am known for, advocate and practice.This is just what my tag line states at the top of the page because I live it, teach it and harvest excellent benefits from this approach that will never be trumped by any fitness gimmick or glitzy, dishonorable fitness phony peddling false hope and misinformation.
If you are going to take the time to train , you should strive to get as much benefit out of the workout as possible without wasting your time in order to maximize your fitness goals
Kettlebell training lends itself to working smarter and briefer so you can have the time to enjoy your healthy life of active longevity with loved ones and friends without haunting gyms wasting your valuable time.
Kettlebells Build Core Strength From Head To Toe
Everybody talks about the ‘core” and all of its virtues, but really never train it too productively from what I see while walking around gyms in different cities I visit. Rarely do I witness worthwhile or meaningful efforts to train the core besides people throwing together some type of crunch or situp routine they have etched in their brains from somewhere in time. Sorry, but that won’t give your core the total stimulation you need to improve your quality of life.
Ever wonder what your core feels like when it is activated and challenged?
Train thoughtfully with a kettlebell and you will find out real quick!
Every meaningful and worthwhile kettlebell exercise demands activation of your core musculature. In general terms think your abdominals, hips, glutes (butt muscles) and back. Even if you can’t name the components of the core musculature, I guarantee you will feel them all after training with a kettlebell.
I have even had a few great coaches tell me that the core is any muscles between our head and toes that are responsible for performing daily movement tasks since our entire body moves in one interconnected piece and does not function ideally in isolated movements.This sounds about right to me and besides who am I to argue with the greats who have come before me?
Whatever definition of the “core” you marry yourself to, keep in mind that a strong core is essential for preventing injuries, developing and maintaining a healthy spine for long term health and teaching your body to move how it was designed to- efficiently and pain free.
This is so incredibly beneficial in both sport and all your life activities!
Kettlebells Are Excellent For Cardiovascular Endurance
Many kettlebell exercises will give you a metabolic effect similar to sprinting, BUT without beating the hell out of your knees, ankles or joints. I consider this benefit to be of supreme importance especially as we get older. And by “older” I mean by the time you reach your late 20’s and often times younger. I see a lot of people with beat up joints by the time they are 30 let alone by the time they hit their 40’s and 50’s.
The challenge is to pursue a fitness program consisting of exercises that will not only give you a productive workout, but promote an existence of rich, pain free movement as well.
High-repetition kettlebell exercises, such as swings and their variations really get your heart rate up and push the limits of your cardiovascular endurance. A workout focused on this type of kettlebell exercise is like a very intense cardio interval workout with many additional benefits like post exercising burning of calories for many hours after your kettlebell workout has ended.
Kettlebells Increase Muscular Endurance
Kettlebell exercises push your muscles, especially those in your core, to keep working repeatedly for long periods of time. This builds muscular endurance, which helps maintain posture and form in your workouts as well as throughout everyday life activities. Good posture prevents injuries, unhealthy muscle tension, and other aches and pains we all seem to have accumulated to varying degrees over our lifetime.
Kettlebell Workouts Are Ideal For Busy Professionals
Are you a busy person with a ton of responsibilities constantly vying for your time and attention? I know I am and so are most people I interact with.That’s just the way things are these days. The good news is that you can get incredible fitness and health results with just 2-3 short kettlebell workouts per week in conjunction with a well designed program.
This valuable aspect of training with kettlebells really sealed the deal for me when I first started using them. I loved the fact that I could get in a challenging and fun kettlebell workout that literally addressed every fitness goal I valued with a minimal time investment that yielded maximum results. This really uncomplicated my routine, freed up more time to devote to other responsibilities/leisurely pursuits and boosted my fitness and health to levels that surpassed my expectations.
While most people understand how being fit is beneficial to our lifestyles, learn how our fitness and health plays an important role in Affecting Our Career Earnings and Opportunities.
Kettlebell Training Will Improve Your Quality Of Life
This is very true if you define quality as moving better and pain free, performing daily tasks more efficiently and confidently, enjoying new levels of activity and finally achieving that ideal lean, tight and strong body worth bragging to the heavens about!
I’m convinced that sound, thoughtful and challenging physical training in general does wonders for your mental well being and will contribute to a positive outlook on life. Kettlebell training will just accelerate these positive benefits when included in your fitness program as they are highly efficient at propelling you toward your fitness goals.
Kettlebells Build Stronger Muscles and Bones
The resistance of kettlebell training builds stronger muscles, and because kettlebell exercises involve weight bearing movements, they also strengthen bones. Weight bearing exercises can help prevent osteoporosis and arthritis. If you have one of these conditions, however, or know you are at risk, check with your doctor for advice on physical activity.
Furthermore, kettlebell exercises are extremely efficient at building lean muscle mass, which elevates the metabolism and helps maintain a healthy body weight long term.
Kettlebells Will Build An Active, Lean and Sexy Physique
Kettlebell training will help you forge your ideal body without wasting a lot of unproductive time in the gym. Think of the body type of a gymnast – Lean, mobile and strong – not bulky or barbell bloated.
If you value a physique that looks as good as it moves and will get you excited about parading around in a bikini or bathing suit again then the kettlebell is the fitness ally you should partner up with.
Kettlebells Are Useful For Most Everyone Whatever Their Goals May Be.
Want to look good in your bathing suit?
Tired of moving around like an infirmed person?
Want to improve your athletic performance?
Want to get stronger without looking bulky and puffy?
Want a body built for show AND go?
Want to have more vitality and energy?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you may want to cozy up to some kettlebell training!
Because of the many variations of kettlebell exercises and program design possibilities, training with kettlebells can achieve many goals. Whether it is building muscle, losing fat, improving coordination, conditioning , increased joint mobility or just trying to perform better – kettlebell training can get you to your fitness goals.
Training with kettlebells will help most people willing to take action improve their fitness whether they are beginners or seasoned fitness enthusiasts and you can train with them most anywhere.
Kettlebells Provide Variety
Because there are so many kettlebell exercises, it is easy to add variety to your workout program. Thoughtfully programmed variety is beneficial because it keeps the body challenged, which helps avoid training plateaus. It also keeps things interesting and makes it easier to stick with a workout program.
However, I would advise to keep rooted to your essential foundational exercises and not chase variety constantly. Add new exercises only if you can justify it’s purpose in furthering your training goals, it’s safe and you can perform them competently.
Learn what Exercise Movements will get you the best fitness results and how the kettlebell can be applied to many of these mighty movements.
Kettlebells Are Scalable To Any Fitness Level
Beginner, intermediate, and advanced trainees will all be challenged since there are so many exercise regressions and progressions that can be applied in a kettlebell training program to keep all levels engaged and moving forward with their goals.
Kettlebell training will keep you engaged, challenged and progressing in your fitness program regardless of your fitness level.
Kettlebell Training Corrects Imbalances
Since most kettlebell exercises are performed with a single limb you can’t help but notice a difference in performance between each side of your body. You are able to get this valuable feedback because of the structure of the kettlebell. The kettlebell has an offset center of gravity meaning the center of mass is always outside your grip, unlike a dumbbell or other fixed weight. Once you know where your strength and mobility “leaks” are you can then correct them. This will result in greater muscular coordination and strength throughout a wider range of motion.
Oh, and once you start getting incredible results training with a single kettlebell, double up with two kettlebells and watch your fitness skyrocket to even greater heights!
Kettlebells Improve Joint Mobility, Flexibility And Coordination
Kettlebell training will lead to improvements in these crucial areas that are becoming worse in today’s society. If you can’t move well and with a requisite amount of strength, then your quality of life and performance of your everyday activities will suffer. And who wants that?
Heed my warning and train in such a way where you will promote and preserve your joint mobility and pain free movement quality.
Renowned coach Steve Maxwell stated that in his many years of teaching fitness worldwide, he has never had a client tell him that they wished they had done more bench presses over their lifetime. Instead they all overwhelmingly regret not practicing and staying connected to exercises that improved their movement quality in order to live an active pain free life.
This is a great warning that I wished I would have heeded in my younger training days, but fortunately it is rarely too late to improve your movement quality if you have the desire to take action and practice meaningful exercises.
Since kettlebells train you in multiple planes of motion & utilize full body movements, they are great for cleaning up any imbalances and movement quality issues most people have to varying degrees
Kettlebell Training Will Keep You From Being
Bored As You Train For Your Goals.
There are so many different exercises, movements and programs that you can do. This will keep you on track with your fitness program if you tend to get bored and lose focus.
Try training in a Group Kettlebell Class supervised by certified kettlebell instructors as a fun way to quickly get to your fitness goals while your new friends in class can provide you with support and accountability.
I absolutely love the comradery of training with others in the mutual achievement of fitness goals as I am the consummate social animal and am not the grim guy with the ear buds training in the corner of the gym screaming to the heavens on every cheat rep with a perpetual scowl on my face.
Let Me Jump Off My Kettlebell Soap Box To Keep Things Fair And Balanced……
Now before you expect me to profess my undying love and devotion to the almighty kettlebell and pray at its altar ad nauseam, let me put this fitness tool in context before things get out of hand and I am branded a shill for the kettlebell industry.
Sometimes I ramble on so much about how great kettlebells are, I think someone will throw a net over me and haul me off to the kettlebell home.
That’s ok because I make no apologies for advocating the use of this valued training tool.
But, let’s put some perspective to this – Kettlebells won’t cure cancer,
give you super powers, suddenly make people leap from their wheel
chairs and spontaneously Riverdance or bring about world peace anytime
soon. I’m still on the lookout for anything capable of achieving those feats so I will let you know when I find it!
While kettlebells play a huge part in the programs I design, they are by no means the be all and end all of fitness modalities. I also incorporate sandbags, barbells the TRX and other suspension devices, bodyweight exercises, good old fashioned sprinting /walking and copious amounts of corrective drills and mobility exercises into my various programs. These fitness tools and methods are incorporated into a particular fitness program dictated by a person’s goals & needs, but kettlebells do fill most of the dance card.
Kettlebells are merely an excellent tool to get you to your fitness goals when used appropriately in conjunction with a safe, sound and sustainable fitness program
Kettlebells Aren’t For Everybody
Training with kettlebells aren’t the only way to get fit and aren’t for everybody. Why?
Because no single fitness tool can claim to be the perfect tool for everybody because we all have different fitness and training goals
If your goal is to become the worlds strongest man/woman, pull trains with your teeth, bulk yourself up to cartoonish proportions or to be the next Mr. or Ms. Galaxy or Solar System, then you would probably need to incorporate more than kettlebells to reach those lofty goals.
But if you want to torch the fat, increase mobility, get lean & strong, develop killer legs, tighten your butt & perform better physically and live a life of active vitality and longevity, then a well designed kettlebell based program may be for you.
No matter what fitness tool or program you gravitate to, learn some valuable principles on How To Forge Your Ideal Body.
Dare To Propel Your Fitness To New Heights
If you like the fitness benefits you can experience from training with kettlebells, then take action and dare to transform your body and your quality of life.
Grab a friend, spouse or loved one or go it alone and give kettlebell training a shot if you want to experience meaningful results, achieve that ideal body and even have some fun and excitement.
Please Learn From A Qualified Instructor
Like any worthwhile skill you would like to learn, do yourself a favor and learn kettlebell technique from a qualified kettlebell instructor who has the ability to teach and you are comfortable with or attend a group workshop run by these same qualified instructors.
Unfortunately, the kettlebell is also one of the most abused and misused fitness tools out there in the fitness universe. Many gyms and health clubs wanting to jump on the kettlebell bandwagon and cash in on their dynamic reputation and “cool” status for propelling one to their fitness goals will make the knee jerk decision to add them to their facility with little thought as to their proper use or how to integrate them safely into their master plan if they have one at all.
I have been to more facilities than I care to remember that will just let trainees and trainers do all kinds of unsafe movements and buffoonery with a kettlebell ranging from truly cringe worthy technique to using the kettlebell to gang dance around in some kind of disjointed routine of meaningless expenditures of energy.
Case in point – I remember observing an instructor leading a kettlebell class whereby the participating ladies would be doing radical jumping and twisting and what looked like a bizarre dance routine while flailing the kettlebells around. I couldn’t take my eyes off of this ridiculous and unsafe performance – much like one does when they are about to witness a car crash or train wreck. Curious, I asked the instructor afterward what she was trying to achieve with her class in a neutral, conversational manner. Indignant and smugly she said “We’re the girls gone wild and we kick butt!” I thought to myself “you and your girls are going to need the services of a good chiropractor soon”. When confronted with attitude and logic such as this, I usually politely excuse myself quickly as dealing with clueless characters like these types is pointless.
About a month later, I recognized one of the class participants at a store and asked her how she was doing with her “girls gone wild” kettlebell class. She immediately told me how kettlebells hurt her and had her nursing injuries. I explained to her that the kettlebell, like any fitness tool is not “bad” and cannot hurt you. People get hurt when they don’t take the time to learn safe, sustainable technique or take instruction from inept, unqualified, unprepared instructors who do you, me, the kettlebell and the fitness industry a colossal disservice by muddying the effectiveness and reputation of this excellent tool.
Regarding scenarios such as this, trainees and trainers will usually get hurt at some point due to their lack of proper technique training and then ridiculously blame the kettlebell for their shortcomings instead of their own ineptness and failure to learn proper technique and program design as to the reason for their failure or injury. I see this sad scenario often.
In the wrong hands the kettlebell becomes nothing more than an Attractive Liability for irresponsible gym owners, trainers and members who are either ignorant of sound technique or their colossal egos dictate that they are above learning from others with greater skill than their own.
I politely questioned one gym owner why he lets his admittedly unqualified staff have free reign of the kettlebells without any legitimate training. I told him you are allowing your staff to teach horrendous technique to your client base in a dangerously unsustainable manner. He told me he had no control over the trainers and that they work cheaply. I told him that I hope you have good insurance and that you may want to take a leadership class.
Don’t get me wrong- everybody at some point regardless of their experience or qualifications will sustain some type of injury or tweak a muscle here or there performing any exercise using any fitness tool. Of course, any fitness tool can be misused, but I have never seen any tool more improperly used than the kettlebell for some reason.
Let’s Wrap This Up!
I hope I have piqued your interest enough with at least a few good reasons to invite the kettlebell into your fitness world to be your trusted ally in your quest to realize your fitness goals and forge the body you desire.
The Kettlebell has proven to me time and again to be one of my most versatile, useful and go- to tools in my fitness arsenal – they cover almost every meaningful aspect of fitness.
Proper kettlebell training works everything – the core, heart, lungs and entire body from the toes to head. That’s a pretty good deal however you measure fitness and health standards.
While I use and advocate many fitness tools, the kettlebell does
represent the foundation of my training play book because they simply
are that damn good and they work. Period.
With proper instruction, kettlebells are easy to learn, yet will keep you challenged and progressing without boring the hell out of you. I have been using kettlebells for over a decade and I have yet to experience boredom or lack of enthusiasm and I have sampled just about every fitness tool and method out there.
While the kettlebell is a basic fitness tool, it is a great tool to skyrocket your fitness results if used safely, properly and incorporated into a well designed program. Not bad for an unassuming hunk of iron with a handle attached to it!
While there are many paths to get to your fitness goals, I have found that a well designed kettlebell program is one of the most efficient ways to address the qualities that most people lack in their current fitness programs.
Believe me, when you train with kettlebells you will just flat out feel & look good!
And kettlebells are incredibly efficient for getting that six pack or tight, shapely butt that most people desire, but never seem to get. So go on and give them a try as you have nothing to lose except some excess, nasty fat that you have been holding onto for way too long!
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I’m Mark Mellohusky – Mellow-Husky
I don’t follow the flashy and ever distracted fitness herd and I’m not politically correct – I just seek and get results to drive my quality of life to powerfully capable levels.
I pride myself on being a product of my own advice practicing methods that enable me to be a strong, durable citizen of America that makes things happen in life instead of sitting around just letting life happen to me!
And I like to Eat T-Bone Steaks And Lift Kettlebell Weights!
Thoughts For Success
Don’t try to be everything to everybody in life – That’s a loser’s game and a mighty unhappy road!
Avoid people who justify their terrible choices in life – They will only bring stress and chaos to your doorstep
Seek out happy, skillful and successful people – Keep them close, treat them well and learn their ways!
Poor health, an unfit body and a weak character are incredible dream killers
Follow your Grandpa’s advice – Spend less and save more!
I am in a program with an instructor for a little over a month and what a difference. I train hard for an hour every other day 3 days a week. I also do try, push-ups, pull ups and bear crawls 6 pack is showing through
Good to hear – Sounds like you are on a path to good fitness! Stay consistent in your efforts and surround yourself with positive people!