Poor foot mobility will not only sap your fitness results, but really impact your overall quality of life. Most folks pay little attention to preparing their feet for a training session. Don't be like most folks. Your feet are designed to contact the ground providing rooted stability and mobility in most any worthwhile exercise … [Read more...]
The Secrets To Health, Happiness and Active Longevity
Check out this list of basic things you can do to really achieve your ideal quality of life and position yourself for your best shot at health and happiness on this planet. Physician William Heise submitted this list in a financial publication I read which bears repeating so here it is: 1. Don't get overweight 2. Get regular … [Read more...]
Stick Rotations For Training Balance
Try working in some half kneeling stick rotations into your training to help shore up your core stability and balance for greater fitness results. Ideal fitness training isn't about just trying to constantly load your body with more and more weight all the time. Challenging your body with resistance is an incredibly productive … [Read more...]
You Can Only Get So Fit And Strong
It's reality check time, folks. I hate to break the news to you, but we all can't be elite Hulks or She Hulks just because we set our minds to it. And no matter how many well meaning folks tell us we can be "anything we want to be" in the fitness world we need to temper our expectations. There are factors out of your control that … [Read more...]
Half Kneeling Kettlebell Presses Build Power
Half kneeling kettlebell presses are very challenging and will clean up a lot of your core stability and power problems while giving you a first class training session! Try this kettlebell press variation to really dial in to your technique and super engage your core. You don't need to use a heavy weight with the half kneeling press … [Read more...]
Powerful Total Body Floor Exercise
Try this core crushing total body exercise you can perform most anywhere with just a stick if you want to drive your workouts and fitness to new heights. Like all of the methods I gladly share with you - These are the types of exercises where you get that feeling and rush of knowing you have tapped into something special and … [Read more...]