Most people don't think about it or take it for granted, but your body is one of the most unique masterpieces of organic engineering that exists in the universe. If you treat it well, move it around often in a thoughtful manner, feed it quality foods and practice mentally positive habits you will get a lot of quality mileage … [Read more...]
What Kind Of Fitness Trainee Are You?
I don’t care what exercise program, diet or Oprah certified media hyped fitness super guru you follow in attempting to get to your health and fitness goals – the ultimate determining factor to your success is YOU and what habits you bring to the table. To illustrate this important factor to your fitness success, I am going to share with you the … [Read more...]
Foods I Always Keep In My Kitchen For Ideal Health
What foods you keep in your kitchen will profoundly dictate how successful you are with your fitness, fat loss and ideal body maintenance program. While physically exercising and working your body are very important components to achieving your ideal fitness and health, the main driver and true “secret” of a successful and lasting … [Read more...]
Kettlebell Suitcase Carries Are Fantastic Total Body Tighteners
The suitcase carry is an excellent exercise that is easy to learn, will build strength, endurance, conditioning, improve posture and burn way more calories than all the gym hamsters toiling away on their treadmills to nowhere. Let me reiterate one of my primary fitness themes – Your workouts don’t need to be crazy complicated in order to produce … [Read more...]
Brew Up Some Bone Broth For Super Nutrition
Bone broth is being heralded as a top notch super food these days and it is definitely one of those foods that lives up to this reputation due to the many health benefits derived through its consumption. Our ancestors including many of our grand parents and great grand parents intuitively knew what a great source of nutrition and nourishment bone … [Read more...]
Log Walks For Real Deal Fitness
Want a total body workout that you can perform with a simple hunk of wood you may have in your back yard or along a favorite walking or hiking trail? Then propel your fitness to new heights the next time you get outside and try doing some front loaded log carries. To understand why I include physical movements like the front loaded log carry in … [Read more...]