It's your civic duty to always be on the patrol for life truths and repel nonsense wherever it rears its ugly head. Ignore truth, keep yourself ignorant, remain uninformed and live your life like a Disney fantasy and you take your chances in achieving a productive, happy and financially rewarding existence. Embrace the truth and do … [Read more...]
Listen To Your Body – It’s A True Loyal Friend Forever
Most people don't think about it or take it for granted, but your body is one of the most unique masterpieces of organic engineering that exists in the universe. If you treat it well, move it around often in a thoughtful manner, feed it quality foods and practice mentally positive habits you will get a lot of quality mileage … [Read more...]
Kettlebell Hill Rack Carries To Upgrade Your Total Body Workout
Carry those calories right off your body with this simple, brief, yet intensely productive kettlebell workout. So be prepared to erase the fat, build some muscle, gain insane levels of conditioning, boost your metabolism and flat out feel awesome when you perform this kettlebell weighted carry up and down a challenging hill. Weighted … [Read more...]
Kettlebell Swing And Sledgehammer Calorie Smasher Workout
Have events and people in your life contributed to a lot of pent-up frustration? Had a day where you absorbed everybody’s crap and drama like a toxic sponge? Unbearable day at work? Deal with way too many unreasonable people today? Swallowed a lot of other people’s aggression this week? Has … [Read more...]
Kettlebell Farmers Walks For A Lean Tight Body
I am all about performing exercises that are easy to learn, challenging, provide huge fitness returns on your time investment and dare I say are fun to do. Well friends -the kettlebell farmers walk fits this description to a tee. Even with a seemingly simplistic exercise movement like the farmer’s walk, make sure you know … [Read more...]
A Supremely Healthy Cup Of Coffee
I love my morning coffee and am always looking for ways to maximize its flavor and health benefits. I like to coarse grind whole coffee beans and then use a french press and add just shy of boiling water to extract super fresh and tasty coffee from the beans. You can absolutely taste the difference, its relatively simple to prepare and it makes me … [Read more...]