The truth. The whole truth. And nothing but the truth! At least from my humble perspective, anyways. I will be throwing out truths five at a time in bite sized chunks for you to either digest or expel. Agree or disagree. Embrace them or dismiss them. It doesn't matter to me as we are still good at the end of the day and free to … [Read more...]
Five Truths At A Time
Welcome to one man's life truths and observations which may or may not lead you to an improved quality of life depending on your value system We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded 24/7 with opinions, hype, sensational headlines, "expert" view points and predictions that rarely pan out, celebrity blatherings, low value … [Read more...]
Don’t Follow The Fitness Crowd
What has following the crowd ever gotten you? Maybe it will get you safely out of a burning building, but even that's no guarantee for success depending on who you follow. You may be following some panicked dopes straight into the basement who can't read an exit sign With rare exceptions, following the crowd has never improved my … [Read more...]