Poor foot mobility will not only sap your fitness results, but really impact your overall quality of life. Most folks pay little attention to preparing their feet for a training session. Don't be like most folks. Your feet are designed to contact the ground providing rooted stability and mobility in most any worthwhile exercise … [Read more...]
You Can Only Get So Fit And Strong
It's reality check time, folks. I hate to break the news to you, but we all can't be elite Hulks or She Hulks just because we set our minds to it. And no matter how many well meaning folks tell us we can be "anything we want to be" in the fitness world we need to temper our expectations. There are factors out of your control that … [Read more...]
Listen To Your Body – It’s A True Loyal Friend Forever
Most people don't think about it or take it for granted, but your body is one of the most unique masterpieces of organic engineering that exists in the universe. If you treat it well, move it around often in a thoughtful manner, feed it quality foods and practice mentally positive habits you will get a lot of quality mileage … [Read more...]
A Simple Fitness Assessment
Anybody want to take a simple fitness test to see how "in shape" you really are? This short fitness assessment is a quick way to measure the quality of your baseline fitness as it relates to your ability to productively perform everyday tasks in a capable, powerful and pain free manner. This is an uncomplicated, common … [Read more...]
No Pain No Gain Drains The Body And The Brain
Anybody who has even remotely dabbled in fitness or has been bombed with "inspirational" quotes via social media has heard the thunderous cry of "No Pain No Gain." Indeed, many fitness trainees and trainers adopt this mantra into their fitness methodologies almost as sacred as a family crest or coat of arms to display as their … [Read more...]
Focus on Rounds Over Reps For A Productive Twist On Fitness
Fitness trainees and the average person looking to improve their fitness, health and body composition will tend to focus on performing a lot of repetitions of an exercise stacked within the first few sets of their workout. You're probably familiar with these types of workouts as they usually involve training one body part in a scheme such as … [Read more...]