It’s your civic duty to always be on the patrol for life truths and repel nonsense wherever it rears its ugly head.
Ignore truth, keep yourself ignorant, remain uninformed and live your life like a Disney fantasy and you take your chances in achieving a productive, happy and financially rewarding existence.
Embrace the truth and do the work and there’s a way better chance of achieving your worthy goals and earning that quality of life we all want, but few seem to attain.
While there are no guarantees in this world, I would follow the path of truth every time to drastically increase my odds of a quality life even though it can be quite uncomfortable and even painful at times.
Your choice. Your earned outcomes. Your life.
Catch up on all truths to this series here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
Five More Truths
56. Two things that are sure paths to a miserable life
a. Overspend your income
b. Be full of jealousy and resentments
57. “Manning Up” does not mean I am obligated to swoop into the life of irresponsible people, bail them out and burden myself with the results of their bad habits and poor life choices.
Only weak, insecure saps who enjoy misery and chaos rush to throw themselves on these human land mines where your pain will be high, but your reward very low.
58. Recognize your “life traffic” constantly in play
Direct the “traffic” in your life and manage it responsibly
Don’t be the frustrating and time wasting traffic that quality people avoid on the road of life
59. All wrongs in your life can’t be someone else’s fault
Most problems in your life can be traced to simply looking in the mirror
It’s the best place to start before falsely and irresponsibly blaming the world for your lot in life
60. We have sadly become a society where our medical community embraces doling out pills with crazy side effects and surgical treatments before dealing with root causes of ailments such as simply cleaning up your diet and a lack of consistent, meaningful and sustainable exercise.
Always be comforted by the fact that truth will repel all nonsense in your life if you have the courage to weaponize it.
And remember that the absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself. But you know this by 60 truths, right?
Related: How Capable Are You Really?
Related: Walking Around With Big Wood
Related: Your Food Combos Are Killing Your Gut
I tenaciously hunt down powerfully productive fitness and life quality lessons that improve most anybody daring to take action and make a positive change.
It’s amazing the results you get when you stop following the mediocre herds of life to nowhere, dare to be different, get out of your comfort zone and do what works!
The truth can be tough. You just need to be a little tougher. Then watch your life improve!
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs.