Don’t be offended by the truth or become emotionally unbalanced and unstable when it confronts you or shatters your unrealistic Disney World views of life.
The truth wants to be your friend if you let it.
If you fight the truth and insist the world conform to your childish and uninformed views, then expect your life to be very chaotic, unproductive and miserable.
Truth can be tough and a hard pill to swallow, but it will always be straight with you and never steer you wrong if you value a quality life of rational behavior and accomplishment.
Have I struck a nerve yet?
You can catch up on all my truths to this series here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
Five More Truths
41. People who unnecessarily over complicate things do so because they think it makes them look clever.
42. Don’t be driven by the need for universal approval and attention.
Because the sure road to unhappiness and failure is trying to please everyone!
43. Don’t get upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do!
44. My grandfather used to say “If you can’t even control what you eat and put in your mouth, it stands to reason other aspects of your life are out of control as well.”
45. Refuse to be a willing victim to your poor health and fitness.
Do something about it even if you are dealt bad cards in life – which everybody has to varying degrees.
You owe it to yourself, those who count on you and yes – even those you may potentially burden.
Stay tuned for the next five as I’m just getting this truth train powered up to keep delivering more truth payloads for you to dig or hate.
And remember – The absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself!
Related Truth: Make Life’s Dragons Fear You
Related Truth: Scare Up Some Halloween Fitness
Related Truth: Variety Is Over Rated
I am an unapologetic product of my own advice and live a powerfully active and highly capable life physically, mentally and financially through the methods I share and practice
I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
Whether you embrace or reject my methods – that’s totally cool as I am not everybody’s cup of tea and I don’t pretend to be everything to everybody as that is a loser’s game.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!