Welcome back for another dose of five truths.
Many of these truths are concepts learned through personal success, failures, taking risks, observing patterns, paying attention to facts and statistics, historical perspective and learning from those who are way smarter than I am.
I would like to think I am offering up these truths as I see them that hopefully stand the test of time and are immune from the widespread rhetoric and propaganda modern society is subjected to 24/7.
But that’s for you to judge as I’ve already made up my mind and stand by what I believe to be life truths that have certainly shaped my success.
You can catch up on all truths to this series here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
Five More Compounding Truths
51. Avoid people who justify their terrible choices and bad habits in life.
They will only bring stress and chaos to your doorstep.
52. Do you really want to get ahead in life?
Then outwork your peers and doors will open for you
Take a look around at your competition – It’s not difficult to do!
53. Just because someone is in a constant haphazard flurry of activity and scream they are “so busy” constantly does not mean they are productive, accomplishing anything of value or being effective with their time.
Know the difference and call out unproductive nonsense where you see it.
54. Fitness trainers need to understand that not everyone wants to hoist 500lbs over their head, deadlift 1000 lbs, run 26 mile marathons, ride a bike to the ends of the earth or swim the Sargasso sea.
The majority of the population in America would realize a vast fitness improvement and significant life quality boost just by simply walking around outdoors on a daily basis and eliminating sugar and processed foods from their diet before even considering using a fitness trainer.
It really is the simple things done consistently that will drive your fitness success!
55. You will find that most people are satisfied with wallowing in old problems instead of being committed to finding new solutions.
That’s it for now, so let these compounding fifty five truths percolate until my next five.
But I won’t stop at 55 truths. Just like I can’t drive 55 like iconic rocker Sammy Hagar used to croon about.
Look within your life and see if any of my truths apply to you or perhaps those that you associate with.
If you share my views – great. If you disagree – that’s fine too as I respect our ability to engage in civil discourse.
Related: My Gripes With The Fitness Industry
Related: Sprinting And Swinging At The Beach
Related: Try Taking Your Weights For A Walk
I know my last name looks like an eye chart exam, but it’s pronounced (Mellow-Husky)
Ever since I slung around a cheap set of cement weights in my garage and pushed the family vehicles around the neighborhood for additional exercise in my early teens, I have been an eternal practicing student of physical culture and peak life quality.
I take my life success metrics, career, physical/mental fitness, fiscal responsibility, people of value and my reputation very seriously, but still find time to stay connected to playful pursuits and interactions without taking myself too seriously or being a stick in the mud.
My personal mission is to minimize my regrets in this life before I leave this wonderful planet
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs.