I don’t seem to be running out of truths
Here’s five more to stew on and kick down this wonderful road we call life.
Each post of my truths is a stand alone article, so you can read them in any order your truth seeking hearts desire.
You can catch up on previous truth posts here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
On To The Next Five Truths
26. We’ve got a generation of “softer” men and “harder” women.
It’s ass backwards as far as gender roles go.
Is it any wonder why there is so much unhappiness, confusion and frustration out there?
27. Just because someone gets older doesn’t mean they actually get wiser automatically.
28. Activity is so important not just physically, but mentally.
A large percentage of people that are not happy, have no motivation, lack desire and suffer from mild depression will simply stem from lack of activity.
How can people be happy if they can’t move well and pain free, are overweight, collect illnesses and inspire no one with their poor life choices?
29. You cannot protect or legislate somebody from being stupid.
30. Your savings are not there to make you wealthy.
Savings are there to protect yourself in case of an emergency or for a planned purchase.
Simple and consistent investing is what will make you wealthy.
The truths are adding up.
Stay tuned for the next prescription of truths and remember the worst person you can lie to is yourself!
Related: Why Are You Still Fat?
Related: Walk Your Way To A Powerful Life
Related: Happy With Your Job Earnings?
Authored by Mark Mellohusky (Mellow-Husky)
I actively pursue concepts, activities and habits designed to fill those pesky gaps in my life strategy to powerfully advance the quality of my existence on this challenging planet.
I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
I’m not the strongest, richest, smartest, fastest, most politically correct or best looking man you will find on this planet, but I am damn sure one of the most capable and driven people you will ever meet.