Welcome to the ongoing series of truths I will throw out there five at a time
Agree or disagree. Embrace them or dismiss them. It doesn’t matter to me as we are still good at the end of the day and free to engage in a civil discourse of our beliefs!
We live in an extremely fast paced world where we are constantly bombarded 24/7 with opinions, hype, sensational headlines, “expert” view points and predictions that rarely pan out, celebrity blatherings, low value sound bites, educators disguised as indoctrinators, orchestrated pushes to revise history and on and on….
I am merely offering up Five Truths At A Time as I see them that are immune to widespread rhetoric and propaganda.
Truth topics include health, career, relationships, personal finance, fitness, happiness, life quality, business, self management and perhaps even some political views.
Each post of truths are a stand alone article, so you can read them in any order you like
You can catch up on all truths to this series here:
Five Truths At A Time Archives
On To The Next Five Truths:
Truth #6. Strive for a definite aim and purpose in life.
Most people disperse their precious energies over way too many things and thus fail to be outstanding at anything
Truth #7. Enthusiasm alone can transform your life and earnings – It’s that important of a success quality to cultivate and wear on your sleeve for all to see.
Truth #8. One of the best models for a successful physical fitness program:
A. Choose simple to learn, yet challenging exercises to perform
B. Choose exercises that work the entire body hitting every muscle
C. Know how to program a workout and listen to your body’s feedback cues
D. Be consistent in your efforts
E. Eat like a sane, responsible adult
F. Rest and actively recover from your efforts
G. Enjoy and be proud of the results sure to follow!
Truth #9. Leaders learn from others, but are not made by others
Truth #10. A successful person is one who keeps commitments, honors promises and admits mistakes quickly and openly
Stay tuned for the next five truths and strive to be more informed than you were yesterday!
Related Truths: Have You Outgrown Your Gym?
Related Truths: Detractors To Your Success Path
Related Truths: The Only Ways To Get Rich
I’m Mark Mellohusky (Mellow-Husky)
I take my life success metrics, career, physical/mental fitness, fiscal responsibility, people of value and my reputation very seriously, but still find time to stay connected to playful pursuits without taking myself too seriously or being a stick in the mud.
Even if you do not cotton up to my truths, remember that the absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself!
Seven Stars Fitness