Welcome to one man’s life truths and observations which may or may not lead you to an improved quality of life depending on your value system
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded 24/7 with opinions, hype, sensational headlines, “expert” view points and predictions that rarely pan out, celebrity blatherings, low value sound bites, orchestrated pushes to revise history and on and on….
I am merely offering up Five Truths At A Time as I see them.
Agree or disagree. Embrace them or dismiss them. It doesn’t matter to me as we are still good at the end of the day!
Some of these truths and observations are directly lifted from others which I have found to be timeless and valid
And some truths are what I have learned through trial and error, taking risks, my failures/successes, observing patterns, paying attention to facts, stats and history and just plain gaining knowledge, perspective and experience walking on planet Earth for a good while.
I will only throw five truths at a time out there as I hate long lists of things and believe we comprehend and absorb things better in short, easily digestible doses.
Topics will be varied and cover health, career, relationships, personal finance, fitness, happiness, life quality and perhaps even some political views.
Or whatever the hell I feel like putting out there when compelled to put “pen to paper.”
On To The First Five:
Truth #1. To be successful, you have to separate yourself from 98% of the rest of the world.
Truth #2. Most commercially processed foods that come out of a box, can or bottle with barely pronounceable ingredients are probably detrimental to your health and fat loss goals.
Truth #3. People who have achieved success and forged ideal versions of themselves all learned to get used to tough evaluations and criticisms in life.
Truth #4. If you don’t have the time for exercise and eating healthy, then sooner or later you have to find time to deal with illness and immobility.
Truth #5. Great things seem to happen when you put a value on and surround yourself with folks who make you smile, laugh and promote a good-spirited environment.
That’s it for now, so let these truths stew in you and keep an eye out for the next five.
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I’m Mark Mellohusky (Mellow-Husky)
I actively pursue concepts, activities and habits designed to fill those pesky gaps in my life strategy to powerfully advance the quality of my existence on this challenging planet.
Seek the truth, speak the truth, live the truth and embrace the truth in life and don’t be afraid to adjust your worldviews to align with these truths.
And remember, the absolute worst person you can lie to is yourself!