People will tell you all kinds of things all the time regardless if you want or value their input or advice
Ironically, it’s usually the most inexperienced, unaccomplished and hypocritical people who will spew the most at you.
You know these types – they act like they have a P.H.D. in life, yet it’s backed by a zero record of accomplishment in the real world
They will tell you their problems they refuse to take any action to resolve and whine how unfair the world is.
They will tell you how to drive, how to eat, how to raise your kids, who to vote for, what to do with your money, point out your political incorrectness and so on.
We are all guilty of this to some degree, but we all have people in our lives who elevate this to an annoying art form.
What People Say To Me
They tell me I will get bored walking the beach every day
They say scheduling regular times to hike trails is a waste of my time.
They tell me how to fix the world’s problems, while their life is a disorganized mess, are financial burdens to their family and society and have no skills desirable to any employer.
They say I am too blunt and risk hurting people’s feelings and God forbid – take them out of their comfort zones
They tell me why bother to eat healthy or maintain a respectable level of fitness since we’re all going to die anyway.
They tell me I think too much about finances while they sponge off others and willingly accumulate crippling debt
They tell me I focus too much on history and read into political policies while they make decisions based on heresay, emotions and sensational headlines/sound bites.
They tell me I need to be on this or that supplement, yet cannot perform anywhere near my level of pain free mobility
They tell me their training routine is the ultimate, yet they can’t even touch their toes and lurch around in a perpetual state of injury
In all fairness, I do have an overwhelming majority of positive interactions, but I guess the miserable and ill natured among us always seem to stand out and stick in our memories for some reason.
Focusing on and enjoying the positive interactions while limiting the time spent dwelling on the negative and undermining ones is still something I need to work on.
It always amazes me that the world’s unremarkable do- nothings feel that they can cast doubt and aspersions upon my active lifestyle at their whim.
But, I suppose this is the cycle of existence we all must thicken our skins to.
Be An Example – Not A Megaphone
Talk is “cheap” and “easy” while actions and purpose are “expensive” in the sense they take discipline and character.
I will listen to what people say, but I laser focus on what they actually do and how they behave in order to understand their character
If there is a disconnect between the two, then I will only entertain their antics up to a point as they demonstrate little value to me as their character becomes suspect.
While I’m far from perfect and have been known to have some loud and animated discussions, I strive to present the following underlying criteria in any article or video demonstration:
1 Here’s what I do and what I believe
2 Here’s why I do it
3 And here’s the results I get
I am a product of my own advice – good or bad. right or wrong.
I make no apologies for my life views nor do I expect to be everybody’s cup of tea or pretend to be everything to everybody.
I just put my thoughts, methods and experiences out there and let the audience assign merit as they see fit
If somebody can apply at least one concept I convey or gain the spark necessary from me to improve some aspect of their quality of life then I gain satisfaction whether they communicate this to me or not.
So what do you say to people?
And more importantly – How do you back it up?
Related: Four Habits Of The Successful
Related: Power Up Your Coffee
Related: People I avoid In The Fitness Industry
Authored by Mark Mellohusky (mellow-husky)
I’m a physical culturist who enjoys being a student in life while seeking out those with greater skill and knowledge to learn from as I chase results and success.
I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
Explore my site. Use what you see value in to succeed and apply it to your life. Ignore what doesn’t work for you. I’m not charging you for anything – yet.
Focus on doing less, but doing it better
Remember that the enemy is usually from within and not at the gates
Don’t dismiss ideas because they seem too simple – Those are the ones that work!
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!