People often interchangeably lump being “fit” and being “healthy” into the same category describing that ideal state to work towards if we value a strong quality of life.
However, the terms “fit” and “healthy” are actually two states of being by definition.
They are both important life qualities to develop, practice and maintain that folks either embrace, ignore or define to various extents and measurements.
Here’s my take on these two critical life qualities:
On Being Fit
Being fit is the ability to do a physical task in an efficient manner
It’s how well and efficient you can do your daily tasks and be able to perform in a powerful and capable way in your job, leisure pursuits or even a crisis situation.
Being fit also means performing these physical tasks utilizing full ranges of motion in a pain free manner.
There are many ways to achieve a baseline of fitness, but if you are experiencing pain and muscle imbalances you need to reevaluate your training program as your fitness level will not be sustainable and will be fleeting at best.
On Being Healthy
Being healthy is a function of how well your internal organs and hormonal processes are working.
While genetics play a role in your health, the biggest factors contributing to your health is what you eat and what you expose your body to.
It’s your CHOICES and not destiny that overwhelmingly determine your health and happiness in this life, so don’t live your life like you have no control over your outcomes – that’s what losers and unremarkable people do.
It stands to reason that if you eat basic whole foods that our bodies were designed to thrive on – your organs, body processes and functions will operate optimally and keep disease and ailments at bay while maintaining your ideal weight.
It also stands to reason that if you eat processed foods and empty calorie crap foods, your organs and body processes will be stressed and out of whack – inviting disease and ailments while packing on the pounds as you waddle through life in a mental fog.
Expose your body to environmental pollutants or practice bad habits like smoking, sleep deprivation, excessive alcohol, poor hygiene, drug use, not wearing a seat belt, not flossing or self imposed stress and obsessing over things that never happen – I guarantee your health will take a big hit also.
Consider These Factors And Indicators
How does your skin look?
Your skin is a major reflection of your inner health and outward fitness efforts.
Folks who practice a solid health and fitness regimen generally have fewer skin problems and have a youthful and capable appearance regardless of age in many cases.
Do you feel fresh and robust?
Healthy and fit people are generally upbeat, energetic and capable of tackling life’s challenges on a daily basis.
Are you riddled with ailments and chemical/hormonal imbalances?
If you are a slave to prescription drugs, get sick easily, always fatigued, overweight, perform your daily tasks poorly, collect ailments and can’t move without pain – This is a big wake up call to take control of your health and fitness to live the quality of life you and your loved ones deserve.
How is your mental outlook and capability?
Yes, the quality of your health and fitness affects your thought processes, mood, confidence and every day relationships.
Your health and fitness has a profound effect on your career, personal relationships, happiness and how you view your life.
Find Your Fitness And Health Balance
Ideally you want to have a good baseline in both your health and fitness.
What’s the point of being good at one and lacking in the other?
I have seen “fit” people who are a cesspool on their interior.
Sure they can perform most physical tasks well and are “jacked” up on the questionable supplement of the week appearing to look healthy, but their organ health and body processes are out of whack as they nurse injury after injury as more ailments compound.
I have also seen “healthy” people who are frail and move horribly. They may eat a reasonably healthy diet, but they neglect their fitness often cultivating a look of a popped balloon draped over a skeleton or adopt the skinny/fat look.
I try to constantly be in tune with my health/fitness balance and the many signals my body throws off directing me to tweak or change my health or fitness habits.
I’m guilty of ignoring my health/fitness balance at times as I don’t want to get to the point where It becomes an obsession or detracts from the quality of my life or relationships, but I have found the balance I am happy with.
Find your health and fitness balance to secure your well being and optimal quality of life.
We only have one go around on this wonderful planet, so why not strive to be the best “you” that you can be!
Related: Foods I Always Keep In My Kitchen
Related: Essential Fitness Moves You Need For Success
Related: Do These Four Habits And Thrive
I’m Mark Mellohusky (mellow-husky)
An often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
All without spending hours haunting gyms doing sappy low value media celebrated exercises that waste your precious time and stifle progress
Explore my site to choose some of the many concepts, ideas and demonstrations I gladly share that will accelerate you to the high quality of life you desire if you are willing to take action and get powerfully fit in a sane and sustainable manner.
I am my own harshest critic. I am also my best cheerleader. This keeps me grounded, in tune with reality, on top of my game, productive and happy.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Thoughts For Success
Don’t try to be everything to everybody – That’s a loser’s game in life and a recipe for frustration and stress
Think about what you REALLY want to spend your time doing in life, push those distractions and excuses aside and make it happen
Remember – Any bee that can’t make honey anymore is a Used-To-Be. Don’t become one if you value a high quality life!
Seven Stars Fitness