Half kneeling kettlebell presses are very challenging and will clean up a lot of your core stability and power problems while giving you a first class training session!
Try this kettlebell press variation to really dial in to your technique and super engage your core.
You don’t need to use a heavy weight with the half kneeling press since your body position is the primary factor that challenges you and not excessive training load.
I have found that all my other lifts improve when I practice and stay connected to exercises like half kneeling kettlebell pressing.
The productively unstable position you place your body into really teaches you to identify with, engage and train your core musculature which is so important for powerful and pain free full ranges of movement.
If you want your arms and legs to move well with power and mobility, then a strong, engaged core is needed for a quality existence on this planet.
These types of exercises really plug those pesky leaks in your power by forcing you to train all your stabilizer muscles and really connects you to your core. This will positively transfer to other aspects of your training as well as making you awesomely capable in your everyday real world activities!
Here’s a brief demo:
READ: The Supreme Benefits Of Kettlebell Training detailing getting you incredibly fit, knocking nasty fat off your body and achieving your worthy fitness goals and ideal body composition.
Tips And Techniques
Do an equal amount of kettlebell presses on each side.
Use a weight that’s challenging, but not so heavy that you compromise your form.
Press on the side your knee is down
Don’t rush your repetitions, take it slow to really get your core musculature firing
Avoid bending forward or to either side – stay upright and stable with a forward gaze as you press
Don’t forget to breathe – out through the mouth on the way up and in through the nose on the way down.
For a greater challenge to your stabilizer muscles and more profound metabolic effect, try training on a “live” unstable terrain like sand once you get the technique down. Even better if you can go barefoot.
Do a meaningful warmup before you train
READ: How To Warm Up Properly to achieve fitness success.
So practice these types of exercises if you want to live an unrestricted, active and robust life no matter your age!
Half kneeling kettlebell presses will most definitely help you achieve the active life you desire while giving you a super workout!
I choose to perform these types of exercises as they allow me to stay strong and lean, move well and pain-free, keep fat off and live a high quality healthy life without boring the hell out of me or wasting my precious time.
Give this awesome workout a try to really fire up your fitness motivation and accelerate you to your worthy fitness goals!
Stay Well! Take Action! Be Consistent! Train and Eat Smart! Get Rid of the Drains and Pains in Your Life! Value your loved ones and friends and get out and have some active, safe fun!
I’m Mark Mellohusky (mellow-husky) an often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat. All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy low value media endorsed exercises.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness