Check out part 1 of this post before going any further! You will be glad you did!
Let’s face it, the money and time you invest in your fitness and health is a drop in the hat compared to the many dividends it will yield for you on both a professional and personal level throughout your stay on planet Earth.
Even if you have super scary crazy unique skills that your employer or customers can’t live without you still need to be fit and healthy to stay in the game to earn and increase your chances of longevity in order to keep the money stream going.
This is especially true since many people these days are resigned to the fact that they will have to stay in the work force much longer than they anticipated in order to amass enough money to achieve an even mediocre lifestyle in retirement let alone an ideal one. That’s a reasonable plan only if you maintain a decent level of fitness and health to enable you to pursue this type of a strategy.
Unless people take control of their fitness and health in the present, they may be in for a rude awakening come the future as their ability to earn becomes compromised.
It’s Never Too Late To Take Action
Hey, I don’t want to be all doom and gloom and go Bad Luck Schleprock on you spewing inevitable hopelessness – so Buck up! The good news is that there is almost always time to take action to improve your fitness and health, but I advise on acting now because the future has a nasty habit of creeping up pretty damn quick on those who procrastinate!
By choosing and practicing a sound fitness and health program you will vastly increase your chances to stay in the workforce and allow you to back off the earnings gas peddle on your own terms instead of perhaps having an injury, sickness or erosion of your physical and cognitive skills decide for you.
How Fit Do I Need To Be?
Do you have to be a supremely fit god or goddess worthy of having your body compared to the airbrushed, photo shopped enhanced mega models on the magazine covers staring at you in the supermarket line in order to experience benefits?
Absolutely not!
Most people don’t have the time to waste on unrealistic goals like these anyway. Just get motivated and do something to move in a positive direction to improve your fitness and health.
Since most working people lead busy lives, choose a fitness program that improves your strength, burns significant amounts of calories, improves your movement quality, is easy on the joints, improves your quality of life and is sustainable to perform.
Oh and pick a program that won’t have you wasting long hours in the gym unless you somehow find that appealing and are lucky enough to have the schedule of a Hollywood Phony to devote the unnecessary time haunting gyms all day.
Most people have busy lives and would experience fantastic results practicing productive foundational exercises that will get them the maximum fitness benefits in a minimum amount of time.
Qualities Associated With Being Fit and Healthy
1. You project confidence and competence without even uttering a syllable
2. Associated with being a disciplined person
3. Associated with having/projecting high energy and vitality
4. You will project a good image to clients and customers.
5. That you are a Go-Getter
6. Respectable, vibrant image projected to co-workers and those you manage
7. A fit and healthy person gives off a can-do vibe
8. Someone who is willing to put forth the necessary effort to succeed
These are some assumptions your manager, co-workers, clients/customers, job interviewers and vendors may infer from a fit and healthy image whether substantiated or not. These are the people who influence your career earnings so why not use these positive subliminal impressions to your advantage along with all of your other excellent qualities you bring to the workplace.
These seem like pretty good qualities to be associated with when you go to that next job interview and are competing with others of similar skill sets for that next promotional opportunity with which to escalate your career earnings to the next level.
How you are perceived is really quite a powerful phenomena that can be used to your advantage or detriment. It’s the unspoken image that you broadcast to others when you meet or interact with people that a lot of people underestimate the importance of.
Your fitness and health are usually the first items on display in all of our interactions and encounters, so why not lead with a good image?
Your Fitness And Health Is Constantly On Display
Your fitness and health is like a set of impressions clinging to you like a constant subliminal sandwich board around your neck that’s constantly on display to the world 24/7. It’s up to you to choose what is “written” on that board we all walk around with.
Just as having a fit and healthy image can elicit favorable impressions, an image of poor fitness and health has the potential to give others a less than favorable impression of you.
An unfit and unhealthy individual may be perceived as someone who will be a drain on a company’s health care costs, their motivation may be suspect, will be absent a lot, lazy, undisciplined, uninspiring and not present a good image to customers and clients.
These are not very good qualities to be associated with as you pursue escalating career earnings opportunities.
How Not To Inspire Others In The Workplace
You don’t want to be part of the herd at work that revels in bragging about how many prescription drugs you are on or all the special modern ailments you have accumulated over the years whether by unfortunate chance out of your control or due to your lack of attention to your health and fitness.
If these types of conversations and interactions define who you are and all you have to talk about, then I suggest you get a new rap.
It’s incredibly sad when you see klatches of people engaging in way too long conversations about whose health and ailments are worse like it’s some kind of bizarre competition to outdo one another for the title of most unhealthy and miserable.
I remember one colleague who cornered me at lunch all the time. I simply would ask how he was doing and he immediately showered me with doom and gloom and how miserable he was feeling all the time.
His lunch consisted of three Hostess cherry pies and a bazillion ounce super mega soda big gulp that took two hands to drink.
He would self righteously tell me the bottled water I was drinking was going to kill me since he read somewhere that all water sources were dangerous which is why he strictly drank soda according to his logic.
He went on to tell me he was up to taking 28 pills per day and proudly said his doctors were looking to add more to the mix. He was so fat he could barely get out of his chair and he would breathe and wheeze in a very alarming manner and would just sweat profusely like there was a fountain on top of his head drenching him entirely.
Watching him eat was rather unpleasant as he would snort and make flemmy noises from his throat as he choked down his food like a rabid dingo.
I suggested as a colleague and out of concern that he might want to clean up his diet a bit and move around more, but he would adamantly tell me that wouldn’t work for him because he was different from most people and that “exercise and that diet stuff” didn’t work for him.
How much respect do you think this guy got from his colleagues and staff? Zero. How many customers and clients do you think were happy dealing with this guy? Once again – Zero. I remember one woman say she thought dousing herself with gasoline and setting herself on fire was preferable to interacting with this guy and listening to his drivel about how he reveled in taking no responsibility for his health and all his tales of self imposed woe.
From what I hear this old colleague no longer has to worry about his career earnings anymore since he became so sickly that he had to bow out of the workforce and soon after checked off the planet.
That’s one path to take where you don’t have to worry about your career earnings anymore, but I wouldn’t advise going down this road as it doesn’t have a very happy ending.
It’s unfortunate, but these kinds of situations and perceptions do exist out there and you can either accept the reality that these perceptions exist or shake your fist to the heavens and waste your energy and efforts screaming life is not fair and continue your downward unhealthy spiral. Instead, take the steps necessary for self improvement and taking control of your fitness and health because nobody else will.
Learn how to get started with a fitness and health program and position yourself for success.
You Still Need To Have Solid Workplace Skills
It’s tough out there in the workplace and job market!
While your fitness and health can be an incredible plus to your working life and enhance your professional image and give you a competitive advantage, let me be clear as to what it won’t compensate for:
If you have limited or no job skills, cannot communicate or articulate well, do not have the ability to fit into the culture of the workplace, dress and behave inappropriately, lack industry knowledge, are a technical dinosaur and don’t have a positive attitude I would suggest you shore these areas up pronto.
Leverage Your Fitness And Health To Position Yourself For Career Earnings Success
So put some effort into your fitness and health just like you would your other skill sets and you will find that it will certainly improve your career earnings duration and potential as well as pay you dividends contributing to a life of active vitality and longevity.
That’s one of the better deals you will ever get in this lifetime!
There is no downside to this course of action when you decide to improve your fitness and health.
People make judgments about you every day whether you think it’s fair or whether you like it or not. Welcome to the reality of planet earth.
Nobody is above this no matter how altruistic you think you may be. I am not going to debate if this is fair, but this is reality and that’s where prudent, successful and proactive people choose to operate.
I hope you are inspired to take some type of action to improve your fitness and health – whether it be for your financial and career benefit, your personal benefit, your family’s benefit or a combination of all three.
Stay Well! Take Action! Be Consistent! Train and Eat Smart! Get Rid of the Drains and Pains in Your Life! Value your loved ones and friends and get out and have some active, safe fun!
Related: The Exercises You Need To Be Doing
Related: The Wonderful Benefits Of A Brisk Walk
Related: Stop Counting Calories And Win The Fitness Game!
I’m Mark Mellohusky ( Mellow-Husky) Mellow as in laid back, but Husky like the dog.
An often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy low value media endorsed exercises or gulping down expensive questionable supplements.
I treat the world and people for what and who they are – not how I want them to be!
My personal mission is to minimize my regrets in this life before I leave this wonderful planet
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness
Excellent article.. Very thought provoking. Never anything I have heard anyone verbalize before.
Thanks Bill, Glad you liked it! I appreciate your thoughts