We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with an astronomical amount of fitness, health and self improvement information available instantly via a few mouse clicks, voice commands, keypad hits or finger taps.
Is this a good thing?
Well yes and no…..
While there is a lot of good, solid information floating around out there, a lot of folks seem to become understandably paralyzed by the sheer amount of health and fitness advice on telling them what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what to avoid, exercise programming choices, what gadgets you need and so on.
It’s no wonder there are so many people frustrated with their fitness and health progress due to the overwhelming volume of information thrown in our faces every day.
And further compounded by the fact that for some reason we exist in a society that thinks anything worthwhile should be unnecessarily complicated and layered in technology and emotionally charged gimmickry
So let’s un-complicate your fitness and health and strip it down to the four basic habits fit and successful people follow that should be the foundation for any fitness program you adopt.
I will caution you that applying the concepts of this post will either put you on a successful path to fulfilling your life’s goals and desires or make you hate people that have accomplished what you are unwilling to do.
Your choice. Your life. You are the one who has to live with the consequences of either practicing bad habits or successful life habits.
The first three items below were put into perspective for me by coach Dan John while attending one of his informative strength and fitness seminars.
Follow these four foundational life changing habits and I guarantee you will be geared up for success in whatever reasonable goals you seek to achieve:
1. Successful People Show Up For Their Fitness
Choose a program that is sane and sustainable to perform and physically show up.
“Showing Up” can mean driving to the gym, going to the park or walking 50 feet to your garage, back yard or basement to train.
Nothing will happen for you until you take this first step.
There are no excuses as to why you can’t take this first step.
I have heard all the excuses and 99% of them have had no merit to my ears thus far.
Most people who say they can’t show up tell me they are busy or have no time. That’s nonsense!
Because if your fitness and health is important to you, then make the time.
If you need people to beg, push and prod you to find the time to devote to your health and well being, then you are living your life like an infant and not as a responsible adult.
Trust me -if you don’t take care of your health and fitness now, I guarantee your time will be spent at some point sitting on the sidelines of life and interacting with various medical professionals for perpetual laundry lists of ailments due to sedentary behavior and poor health habits.
Don’t waste your time reading any further if you are unwilling to do this critical first step.
Let me drill this critical concept into your noggin:
Successful people take action, show up and find ways to make things happen.
2. Successful People Do The Work In Their Training
Congratulations! Yay! Bravo! – You have shown up for your fitness program and decided to take charge of your health and well being!
Now you have to do the work.
I hope you have chosen a reasonable and sustainable fitness program that will build you up and not tear you down into an injured mess. Now simply do the work prescribed by your trainer or reasonable routine you follow that leads to your desired fitness results in a sane, safe, sustainable, and progressive manner.
Don’t know what a productive fitness program should include? Explore my site for plenty of ideas that will position you for success physically, mentally and even financially.
Successful people take action and do the work.
3. Successful People Are Consistent In Their Efforts
Consistency ties all these important, life changing habits together.
Here’s the rub, however- Just make sure you are following a sound fitness program that is designed with exercises, movements and instruction that carry over to your daily activities and will improve your quality of life.
A sound fitness program is one that will improve your strength, increase your mobility and get you moving pain free and promote the preservation of lean muscle tissue while providing maximum calorie burn in a safe environment.
And your program should be making you injury proof and more resilient.
If you are experiencing consistent pain and racking up injuries, that’s an indication that you or your trainer don’t know what the hell you’re doing!
Explore my site here at Seven Stars Fitness for tons of ideas and demos and take whatever you want to position you for success my friends!
Successful people adopt a sound fitness program and stick to it.
4. Successful People Constantly Challenge
Themselves To Learn By Exposing Themselves To
Others With Skills Greater Than Their Own
This habit was drilled into my head after I heard navy seal and smart cat Richard Machowicz explain its importance to success and progress in each of our lives.
The takeaway is that if you want to get better at something whether that be improving your health and fitness, achieving financial independence, business management, skiing, dinosaur wrestling, fishing, yodeling, chess, leadership or whatever you want to excel in-then learn from the best people skilled in these areas.
So seek out and follow the methods and habits of those who are more skilled than you at something you want to get better at and prime yourself for success.
These experts aren’t going to seek you out, so identify who you want to learn from, be respectful and expect to pay for their expertise in some way.
So don’t be cheap or arrogant in your approach feeling you are somehow entitled to the skills others have earned in life without putting some skin in the game yourself, demonstrating worthiness and staying humble.
Successful people always challenge themselves by learning from those with greater skills than their own.
Success For Everyone
These four principles will create a strong and lasting foundation with which to forge your ideal body.
I would even argue that these four habits when applied to any endeavor you pursue in life will help you excel quicker to reach your goal of being the best version of “you” that you can be.
These habits can be applied to your fitness, career and hobby skill sets or for leisurely pursuits as you will empower yourself for success, happiness and much satisfaction!
So before you get bogged down in a ton of cluttered fitness methods and theories make sure you have these four foundational life changing habits covered backed by a sound, sustainable fitness program that covers essential exercise movements and eating habits.
I guarantee you will be headed for success and experience great results.
Life is all about choices folks – choose a path of active vitality and healthy longevity or choose the road to ruin defined by ill health, ailments galore, a poor quality of life and being a burden to society.
Always remember – There is nothing you cannot improve in your life if you make up your mind to change for the better!
Never rush to failure with your training or life goals, but strive to plan for sustainable and productive fitness success and life quality.
Related: Focus Your Fitness And Do What Works
Related: Critical Exercises For Fitness Success
Related: Habits Of The Financially Successful
I’m Mark Mellohusky (Mellow Husky)
An often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
Refuse to be defined by the bad choices in your life – It’s never too late to make better ones!
As I get older, I place more value on those who make me smile, laugh, learn and promote a good spirited environment.
Remember to keep things simple, embrace challenge and enjoy the results of what you forge in life!
Don’t get upset by the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do.
I would rather have an honest enemy than a fake friend!
Stay Well
Take Measured Action
Be Consistent
Ditch The Pains and Drains in Your Life
Value Your Loved Ones and Friends
Get Outdoors – Become Actively Fun
I Eat T-Bone Steaks and lift various weights and practice The Four Habits Of Success!
Seven Stars Fitness