Physical and mental fitness are solid markers for a quality life, but how is your financial fitness and goal to be financially independent working out for you?
Yes – I know everybody wants to achieve financial independence, but is everybody truly deserving of it?
No – they are not.
But please hear me out before you label me as mean and uncaring for speaking some universal truths.
You Get What You Deserve
We all generally get what we deserve in life based on our judgement, habits, actions, associations, marketable skill sets, productive use of time and desire to improve and learn.
The end goal of your desired financial independence is based on how well and disciplined you live your life.
Luck, magic, bitching, blaming and depending on the government just won’t get you there – no matter how enticing these child-like solutions sound. Sorry, I don’t write children’s stories – I write to those who are or aspire to be responsible, successful adults.
If, on a consistent basis, you demonstrate poor judgement and make poor choices, practice bad habits, avoid improving job skills, are unwilling to take action, ignore opportunities, repeat the same mistakes, associate with low quality people, waste your time and have no desire to improve and learn – Your life quality will probably suffer financially, physically and emotionally.
You get what you deserve.
If you learn from your mistakes and fail forward, make productive choices, practice good judgement, take measured action, embrace opportunities, hang with quality people, spend time wisely and are willing to improve and learn – Your quality of life will probably be pretty damn good on all levels.
Once again – You get what you deserve.
We live in a world where hysterical media jackals, Hollywood phonies and hypocritical political hacks get the masses charged up to believe they are entitled to health, wealth and instant everlasting happiness.
All of this without putting in any effort or changing your counterproductive habits.
The reality and brutal truth is that with few exceptions, We are all individually responsible and in charge of our wealth, health and happiness while our limited time on planet Earth plays out.
Take control of your life and forge the life you deserve! No one else will do this for you.
What Is Financial Independence?
Financial independence will mean different things to everybody as we all have unique goals, values, wants, needs and responsibilities.
To me financial independence means:
Having a big enough asset pool to cover your monthly expenses and live the lifestyle you choose over a big enough timeline I estimate to hopefully still be walking the Earth.
The power to retire from work you don’t like – having the security to pursue the kind of work that energizes your soul since your life expenses are covered. If you choose to work, it will be on your own terms – no one else’s.
Being financially in debted to no one and no institution
Helping those who deserve my attention and donating my time/money to causes and people I deem worthwhile
Eliminating financial stress while improving life flexibility and quality
Having empowering control over your life
Freedom to live life the way you want
The highly liberating ability to walk away from bad situations and not be held hostage financially by others
How To Become Financially Independent
Take action today – do something to move your financial ball forward.
No one is holding you back – except you.
Adopt the simplest, yet effective plan, be consistent, stick to it and have a long term mindset
Save/invest a good chunk of your income
Invest in low cost index funds
Participate in your company’s 401K plan at least up to where you get a company match
It’s not how much you make, but how well you save
Outwork your peers – look around – it’s not difficult to do!
Get noticed by those in positions to reward you at work or reward yourself if you can handle the responsibilities of entrepreneurship and running a business. Invest these rewards
Scrutinize your purchases – Are they really needs or just frivolous wants?
Invest in your own skill sets and apply them to your chosen job to maximize your income
Live beneath your means, but not to the point you can’t enjoy life or enhance the lives of others
Study the paths of others who have achieved financial independence. You don’t need to reinvent the money acquisition and wealth wheel – just study what the financially successful have already accomplished.
Enter into debt very, very cautiously as this will be a major drag on any financial goals
The Pitfalls Of Instant Money
Oh yes – We have all heard of the fortunate few who have had financial independence thrust upon them via a big inheritance or winning the lottery, but it’s super tough to hang on to that status if they don’t have the sound habits to back up and maintain such financial windfalls.
You can throw all the money at people with bad life habits who spend more than they save and who rush to pile on debt in so many creatively bad situations – and they will still manage to get behind the financial 8-ball as more money seems to fuel their irresponsible behaviors – just on a grander scale.
There are those folks who through their productive habits will make lasting, generous and productive use of an instant financial windfall and live happily ever after. We just don’t hear about them too often as these types of stories are “boring” to the disaster driven media doom and gloomers who love to chase, highlight and emphasize human failures.
That’s ok – I love those “boring” folks who set awesome examples both morally and financially! I will always be your biggest supporter.
Don’t Kid Yourself Hippies!
Money is a very important component to living in this world.
Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.
I remember all those well meaning hippies telling everyone that all you need is love and that it conquers all things and it will keep any relationship together as they demonized money and capitalism in every way imaginable.
I still see the modern counterparts of the hippies today bashing capitalism, demanding a free financial ride and attacking those who outwork them and earn more than they do.
I’m all for healthy doses of love folks, but love won’t pay the rent, keep your smart phone buzzing, run your vehicle, put food on the table or put your kids through school.
If money were so inconsequential to lasting relationships, then why statistically is the subject of money listed as one of the biggest issues that breaks up marriages, relationships and businesses contributing to crazy levels of stress, health problems and miserable frustration for those riding this emotionally charged roller coaster?
I guess love does have it’s limitations in the real world if we want to view the world like rational adults.
Arguments over money in relationships are usually not about how much is coming in, but how this vital resource is being used or spent.
Top arguments involve How much to save/invest? Where to save/invest? What to spend it on? What are necessary expenses? What are frivolous purchases? How much for emergencies? Do we need that new car? Is that bigger house worth living paycheck to paycheck? At what age do we stop financially supporting the kids?
I’m a big fan of love for sure, but I’m also a big fan of the thoughtful power of money for a happy life balance!
Kid yourselves at your own peril, folks!
My Favorite Financial Independence Advisers
Seek out and learn from those with greater skills and experience than yourself if you want to improve in any area of life.
Becoming successful at accumulating and holding on to your wealth is no different.
I highly recommend you check out these financial independence resources who so kindly and generously share their methods for reaching most any financial goal.
Jack Bogle
To me, Jack is the Godfather of modern investing.
Jack founded the Vanguard Investment Group which offers a family of low cost funds any size investor can get behind to achieve financial independence
He is synonymous with low cost index fund investing and championing the common investor
I followed his simple, yet profound advice to achieve my own financial independence.
Jack has done more for the average person with average incomes achieve their financial goals than any other.
Mr. Bogle takes an over complicated and outrageously expensive investing industry and simplifies it down to the best and most cost effective choices any rational person can understand and get behind.
Jack recently passed away, but his investing message and legacy will endure.
If there is one guy to listen to for sound, uncomplicated investment advice – It’s Jack Bogle as the man tirelessly championed the average investor and changed an industry for the better.
I hope he gets his spot on the Mount Rushmore of investing excellence – Jack truly earned it and deserves it.
Check out a bit of Jack’s investment wisdom here:
JL Collins
I really dig JL’s investment style and how he ties in his interesting journey through life to achieving financial independence.
His tagline is “The simple path to wealth” and he lives up to and delivers the financial goods.
He is a smart cat who generously shares his investment journey giving you insight into what works, what doesn’t, his money triumphs and failures.
JL gives you a great road map for achieving financial independence with great detail and real life examples you can apply to whatever stage of investing you are in
You will enjoy his down to earth writing style and how he ties in his zest for life, family and travel into his most excellent financial independence equation.
Check out Jim’s stellar work and generous advice here:
JL Collins Simple Path To Wealth
Chris Hogan
Chris is a fiscally smart guy who also communicates a doable path to financial independence while stressing fiscal responsibility at any age and in any relationship situation.
If you are looking to free yourself from debt, Chris has especially motivating advice and methods to get you out of the debt doghouse.
You will like his authoritative, yet charismatic style with his booming voice that puts his excellent and thoughtful messages over with a caring exclamation point.
Chris has also studied the habits of everyday people who have become millionaires and shares how almost any person or family can achieve this goal.
Go visit Chris here:
The Mad Fientist
This is another smart cat who figured out how to achieve financial independence at the ripe old age of 34
He offers practical insights on how he earned his financial independence who I really learned a lot from
The Mad Fientist churns out great content, detailed examples and very doable plans to put you on the path to financial independence
He also interviews others who have achieved their financial goals that also share super tips to get financially fit.
Check out his most informative and interesting blog here:
I like to learn from a mix of people older and younger than me when it comes to achieving and maintaining financial independence as it gives me balanced knowledge, perspective and forces me to keep an open mind to fresh ideas and productive methods. I learned a great deal from these four and appreciate them sharing their methods to anybody willing to change their financial lot in life!
These guys will give you super insight into money. How to accumulate it, where to put it, how to make it last, how to maximize returns, how to deal with taxes effectively, thoughts on social security and thoughts on how to enjoy and maximize life in general.
And remember friends, we generally get what we deserve in life.
So take productive control of your life to make those choices and take those actions to ensure you achieve the quality of life you deserve!
Related: Are You An Impressive Person?
Related: The Only Ways To Get Rich
Related: Why I Avoid Most Fitness Experts
I’m Mark Mellohusky – Mellow-Husky
Explore my site to choose some of the many concepts, ideas and demonstrations I gladly share that will accelerate you to the high quality of life you desire if you are willing to take action and get powerfully fit in a sane and sustainable manner.
Remember – All you need to do is give yourself permission to become powerful in your physical and mental approach to life – the sky’s the limit after that!!
I stay grounded by treating people and situations for what they are – not how I want them to be.
I’m not the strongest, richest, smartest, fastest, most politically correct or best looking man you will find on this planet, but I am damn sure one of the most capable and driven people you will ever meet.
If you act like a sap- expect to be treated like one.
No apologies – No regrets. Now go out there and get shit done!
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness