I have walked this planet long enough and have interacted with many people to formulate an opinion as to what qualities make up an impressive person and those qualities that unremarkable people possess.
I base my opinions on reality and how people simply are. Not the way I want them to be.
And I don’t filter my opinions through the ridiculous lens of political correctness.
These are qualities that transcend social and economic circumstances – free for anybody to pursue, adopt and practice regardless of their life situation.
It’s truly a matter of choice.
Qualities Of Unremarkable People
They go through the motions of life, yet accomplish very little. It’s the difference between merely existing and actively living your life
Are not willing to adopt and practice the habits leading to success in life
Blame others for all their problems – real or perceived
Have no respect for their health- Treat their bodies like a temple of shit and then expect society to pick up the pieces and tab
Expect others to pay their way through life
Have questionable character – their moral compass fails them constantly
Expect instant gratification in all things
Are not loyal
Scream loudly yet think lightly
Are generally a burden to everyone in their life
Manufacture drama and pretend to be offended by EVERYTHING
Have poor, inconsistent values and allegiances
Cannot manage their time
Feel that work is for suckers
React and lash out at everything – Yet thoughtfully anticipate, plan and contemplate nothing
Spend their time foolishly instead of investing it wisely
Hand over their power, will and responsibilities to others
Channel their energies into useless, unproductive endeavors
Are prone to betrayal
Show no respect for those who built and protect their country and communities
Are weak and cowardly
Dither around in their jobs or career doing the bare minimum wondering why they don’t advance
Do not think or plan beyond the next five minutes
Only help themselves
Allow their past to sabotage their future
Cannot manage themselves – let alone others
Broadcast their views on bumper stickers inviting unhinged maniacs to vandalize their vehicles or negatively interact with them.
Say no to everything without thought
Constantly play the role of victim
Say yes to everything without thought
Revel in maintaining a low information status about their lives and issues
Defiantly protest against issues and people without weighing the facts
Refuse to take advantage of educational opportunities of which most are free or low cost
Are swayed solely by their unreliable and highly charged emotions
Do not recognize their strengths and weaknesses
Have the temperament of a child
Focus on saying all the popular politically correct things, yet stand for nothing of true societal value
Repost and share all kinds of inspirational memes, yet set no example to inspire anybody themselves
Can only tear the accomplishments of others down, while creating or building nothing themselves
Hope and wish for good things to happen yet refuse to take any action to realize their desires and dreams
Are afraid to call out bad behavior and the truly despicable in society
Revise history to suit their flawed and selfish narratives
Do not practice what they preach
Are unreliable
Are never on time
Invite bad elements into their lives then ridiculously complain about their dire situations
Do not learn from their mistakes
Refuse to live within their means
Pass their unsuccessful ways on to their children
Have no fiscal responsibility
Choose role models and leaders with no redeeming values
Refuse to learn from others who have forged a successful path in life
Qualities Of Impressive People
They take measured, thoughtful action to improve their situation
Recognize the profound benefits of passionate work, tenacity and diligence
Channel their energies into self improvement instead of attacking successful folks
Create their own luck through hard work, desire and productive habits
Build meaningful things
Do not throw pity parties for themselves
Their words match their deeds
Create businesses that employ people and improve the community
Possess compassion backed by strength
Learn from their failures
Share their knowledge with others
Lead by example
Have developed thick skins so as not to be sidetracked by the hateful nonsense of others
Are products of their own advice
Demonstrate wisdom
Do what’s right – Not what’s easy and popular
Do not let their past paralyze their present and future
Set good examples for the next generation
Help others, but don’t enable their poor habits that are dragging them down
Use good judgement especially under stressful situations
Are self aware regarding their actions, strengths and weaknesses
Are not afraid to stand up for their values
Are daring and brave
Willing to take action for worthwhile endeavors
Treat the world the way it is – not how they wish it were
Recognize opportunities and take action to capitalize on them
Are not afraid to have frank discussions with family, friends, co-workers and employees
Are willing to call out poor behavior, bullshit and threats to society
Keep drama and hype to a minimum
Are excellent neighbors
Are always meeting and exceeding their goals
Ignore criticism from the unremarkable do-nothings of the world
I am sure there are many other qualities that can be added to these lists, but I think you get my point.
So, here’s the takeaway from this post:
Those who practice the qualities and traits of the “Unremarkable” should not feel entitled to all the potential good things in life delivered to their doorstep on a platter.
You will be resigned to a mediocre existence at best when aligning yourself with the traits of the unremarkable among us.
Conversely, I guarantee your quality of life will skyrocket the more qualities you embrace from the “Impressive” folks.
Nobody is forcing you to adopt any of these qualities or similar derivatives thereof.
You are free to choose and practice any combination of qualities you want in life.
But remember – your choices always have life consequences
Choose wisely and earn the rewards of a quality existence.
Choose poorly and take your chances.
I wish you the best.
Related: Stop Entertaining Nonsense In Your Life
Related: Secrets To Health And Happiness
Related: The Only Ways To Get Rich
I’m Mark Mellohusky ( Mellow-Husky) Mellow as in laid back, but Husky like the dog.
An often barefoot eternal student of health and physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy low value media endorsed exercises or gulping down expensive questionable supplements.
I treat the world and people for what and who they are – not how I want them to be!
If you treat me good, I will treat you better.
If you treat me bad, I will treat you worse.
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs!
Seven Stars Fitness