My blog posts and social media presence may make it seem like I run around in the woods like Tarzan all week constantly training and honing my physical skills.
Actually, the majority of my week is happily spent in the fulfilling role of the director of finance for a high voltage engineering company.
The underlying theme to all of my postings is that I have figured out the ideal balance and tradeoffs between career, health and fitness that makes me happy and very productive resulting in a great quality of life that works for me.
You need to take action and find the balance and tradeoffs that work for your desired quality of life.
And yes, you can copy what worked for me, but you must be willing to also carve your own path to success and take charge of the journey because it should never end.
Please understand that I don’t try to be everything to everybody, appease the easily offended or expect lower standards from select groups. That is a fool’s game that accomplishes nothing in this world. So I leave that for all the fools to chase after to their eternal frustration.
My methods and philosophies are what works for me, but I hope you find at least one thing I showcase that resonates with you on some level and use it to help confidently power your way to a better quality of life and purpose driven existence.
Successful Traits
I jotted down the following list of the top ten traits business owners and managers value the most in employees from a great book I read a while back.
I want to give proper credit to the author, but I spilled coffee where I wrote down the title in my notes after I returned it to the library – duh!
Here’s the list of the most valued and successful employee traits:
1. Can Prioritize Work
2. Positive Attitude
3. Punctuality
4. Preparation Skills
5. Team Work
6. Organizational Skills
7. Follow-Up Skills
8. Communication Skills
9. Able To Adapt To Change
10. Likable
That’s a pretty good list, but I would include Loyalty and Strategic Thinking in there somewhere as well as I value these traits greatly.
I would even suggest those are pretty good traits to have in your life outside of work or to include in your checklist when seeking a permanent mate to marry or pair bond with!
Hooray For Character
A lot of these traits have to do with character.
And yes – character still counts in this day and age – at least with me.
I don’t hire or associate with anybody in my personal life who does not demonstrate character.
That’s how important this successful life trait is.
Don’t believe me? Go out and behave without character and surround yourself with people devoid of character and let me know how your quality of life fares!
If you have character, congratulations – you will go far!
If you don’t have character – get it or I guarantee you will regret it!
Nobody will wave a magic wand and bestow these desirable traits and values upon you.
You have to want to embrace shoring up these areas and have a serious desire to do so.
You cannot help but position yourself for life success and advancement if you meaningfully take steps to improve getting better at these skills.
Related: Practice These Four Habits
Related: How Fitness Improves Career Earnings
Related: Refuse To Accept Defeat From Covid 19 Chaos
I’m Mark Mellohusky- (Mellow Husky)
I pride myself on being a product of my own advice – doing what works and tossing what doesn’t.
The methods I practice enable me to be a powerfully active, often barefoot eternal student of physical culture who will not go quietly into the sunset since I have learned how to age gracefully by adopting sane eating strategies, staying strong and lean, moving well and pain-free and conquering nasty fat.
All without spending hours haunting gyms doing hours of sappy media endorsed low value exercises and gulping down expensive and questionable supplements.
While I share a lot of tips, techniques, and fitness philosophy on my site, it is unrealistic to try to adopt it all into your fitness plan as we all have different health and fitness gaps in our programs we need to address.
Browse around my site and cherry pick what you need to succeed even if it’s just one concept and fill your fitness gaps, dare to get out of your comfort zone and experience the thrill of doing what works and realizing your goals!
No apologies and No regrets – Now go get shit done!
There’s a sparkle in my eyes and iron in my thighs
Seven Stars Fitness